



1! Thunderbirds are go!

At his temple base, a man known as the Hood raises his arms, revealing a statue in front of him. He says that if he knew International Rescue's secrets, he'd be the wealthiest man in the world! And Kyrano, his own brother, is in International Rescue's midst.

But because of Kyrano's misguided loyalties, he refuses to help him. But the Hood reveals he has a power over his brother that'll make him speak, and soon, he'll be under his influence, even though he's far away. At Tracy Island, Jeff Tracy tells Kyrano that he's just received word that Tin-Tin, Kyrano's daughter, will be leaving London on Wednesday, and will be here on Friday. Kyrano asks how he can ever repay him for his kindness to his daughter.. Jeff says Tin-Tin has a good start, with an education in the finest American university, and a European tour to her credit. Kyrano says Jeff is the finest man he's ever had the privilege of working with. Jeff tells him he's the loyalist.

Kyrano suddenly collapses. The Hood tells him as from this moment, he's in his power. He wants to know when International Rescue will start operating, but doesn't get an answer. His eyes start glowing, and he asks Kyrano again as to when International Rescue will start operating. He then hears a reply: International Rescue are ready to start operating!

At London airport, the Fireflash is preparing for takeoff. An attendant goes up to Tin-Tin and tells her she's lucky, as her flight will be on the new atomic-powered Fireflash. Tin-Tin asks if that's the new aircraft that can fly at 6 times the speed of sound. The attendant says that's right, but tells her not to worry -it's perfectly safe.

A disguised Hood is posing as an engineer, and is inside the Fireflash. He sets up a bomb, and thinks that it has enough explosives to smash the atomic reactor. If this doesn't bring International Rescue on the scene, nothing will. He exits the Fireflash.

The plane heads down a runway, and then takes off. Captain Hanson and the copilot have the plane break through the sound barrier, and once they get to 200,000 feet, they level the plane off.

The passengers are told that that the takeoff is complete, so they may now unfasten their safety belts, and smoke if they wish. Back at the airport, the Hood contacts the control tower. He tells the staff there that he thought they'd like to know that a bomb has been planted in the landing gear of the Fireflash. When the plane touches down in Tokyo, it will explode, blow the aircraft into a million pieces, and release radioactive material over a large area. He then ends the call.

The pilots switch to the automatic flight plan. Hanson is about to go and talk to the passengers, but then Commander Norman contacts him. Norman tells Hanson to return the Fireflash to London, and reduce their altitude to 30,000 feet. He reveals that there may be a bomb onboard, and whilst it may be a hoax, they can't take any chances. Norman then alerts the emergency services, and some ambulances and fire engines are sent out.

Tin-Tin and the other passengers wonder what's going on, but then hear over the intercom that they've developed a minor technical fault. They're returning to London, so the passengers are asked to fasten their safety belts. Up in space, Thunderbird 5, a large space station, orbits the Earth. Inside is John Tracy, who listens in to various radio transmissions across the planet. He then hears one from London airport to the Fireflash.

At Tracy Island, Kyrano comes across Jeff looking at a picture of a rocket. Kyrano asks him if he misses those days, as he must be proud to be one of the first men on the Moon. Jeff says it was all a long time ago. Kyrano passes Jeff a message from London, but as he does, Jeff tells him he's arranged for a specialist to come out here and give him a checkup. Kyrano claims he's fine, it was just a dizzy spell. Jeff tells him to just watch it, as he needs to keep well for his daughter's homecoming. He then reads the message, and realizes it's from Tin-Tin. She's on her way from London, and is flying in the new Fireflash. Jeff thinks that's a great aircraft.

At the airport, Fireflash passes by the control tower, and is photographed by Harris. He has the photo put up on the screen, where everyone sees that there really is a bomb onboard the plane. Norman says that this is no hoax!

Norman orders for all aircraft to be diverted from London, and to have all non-essential personal and all civilians within a 5 mile radius evacuated. Code RH is to be used: Radiation Hazard. He then contacts Fireflash and tells the pilots there is a bomb, placed in the hydraulics system of the landing gear. Hanson requests permission for an emergency landing, but Norman tells him that's impossible -the impact from landing would cause the bomb to detonate. He tells him to keep the plane in the vicinity of the airport. In Thunderbird 5, John listens in as Hanson says they can stay in the air with the atomic motors for six months, but the anti-radiation shield on the reactor needs servicing in just over two hours, or the passengers will be subjected to radiation exposure.

Hanson tells the copilot he doesn't know what they can do. They can't reach the bomb, they can't land, and if they stay up here they'll get radiation exposure. He thinks that whichever way they look at it, they don't stand a chance. In the control tower, Norman has come to the same conclusion, and thinks all they can do is sit here and wait for them to die. Hanson then contacts him and says the radiation safety factor is at two hours, and as far as he can see, nothing can save them short of a miracle. John thinks that's just what he might get.

At Tracy Island, Jeff is recording a statement about International Rescue. He says that their equipment is way ahead of its time, and in the wrong hands, it could be utilized to destroy life. John then contacts him, and says that they have their first emergency call: the new Fireflash is in distress at London airport. Jeff says that's Tin-Tin's aircraft.

At London, Hanson and the copilot are trying some violent maneuvers to try and shake the bomb loose. Back on the Island, Jeff tells his sons that this is their first assignment, so they need to make it good. Their uniforms are in their craft, and must only be worn on call. He tells Scott to go, and keep in touch. He then tells Brains that it was his phenomenal mind that made all this possible, and now he'll get to see it in operation.

Scott stands next to a wall, which is secretly a revolving one. An elevator platform takes him towards Thunderbird 1, a hypersonic rocket. As Scott boards Thunderbird 1, the island's swimming pool starts to open up.

Thunderbird 1 is moved downwards, and comes to a stop directly beneath the swimming pool. It then blasts off, heading straight off into the sky and away from the island. Scott says he's changing to horizontal flight...

...and Thunderbird 1 straightens out. Scott then contacts Thunderbird 5 and asks for the lowdown. John says the pilots are trying to dislodge the bomb with aerobatics, but aren't having much success. Scott then contacts the island, and says he'll be arriving at London airport in 52 minutes. But it looks like he'll be needing heavy rescue.

Jeff says he'll organize that right away, and orders Virgil to go. Virgil stands next to the rocket painting, which flips up and puts him onto a slide. As he slides down...

...the slide turns around, and then Virgil continues downwards towards Thunderbird 2. He slides into the pilot's seat.

Virgil then selects a pod, which contains the rescue machines. The pods slide under Thunderbird 2, and pod 3 is selected. Thunderbird 2 then descends, and collects the pods. Outside, a wall comes down, revealing Thunderbird 2's hidden hangar.

The palm trees move aside as Thunderbird 2 rolls down the runway. Virgil moves Thunderbird 2 to a specific point, and then stops. A hidden ramp then moves Thunderbird 2 up, and it takes off.

At the airport, Bob Meddings has come up with a scheme to save the day. Norman thinks it has a million to one chance of success, but Meddings thinks a million to one chance is better than no chance at all. Norman asks Meddings to state his plan again. Meddings says they need to get a TX 204 target carrying aircraft diverted to London. Norman asks Harris if there are any TX 204s in the area. Harris says there is target practice going on 100 miles south of them.

At the coast, a TX 204 is in the skies. It deploys a target out of the back. Inside, one of the pilots says he thinks this "excitement" is going to kill him. He joined the Air Force for adventure, but all he does is tow targets around all day long. The target is released, so the pilot contacts another plane nearby.

The other plane dives down and shoots at the target, destroying it. The TX 204 pilots thinks that's it, but are then contacted by Norman. He tells them to set course for London airport -this is an emergency! The pilots fly their plane towards the airport.

Norman asks Meddings if he understands the risks involved. Meddings says he does, so Norman tells him to get into his flying gear, then get a truck to run him out to the end of 2-9. Norman then contacts Fireflash, and says they are going to attempt to put a man into the aircraft in an attempt to remove the bomb. Hanson thinks that's suicide and whoever went it wouldn't stand a chance, but Norman says there is a chance -a very slender one, but one they must take. Meanwhile, Scott contacts the island, and says his ETA is 41 minutes.

Jeff says that John has intercepted some transmissions, and it seems a rescue attempt is going to be made. They are going to try and put a man onboard the Fireflash, although they don't know how yet. He tells Scott to continue on his present course, as this rescue attempt doesn't look too hopeful. At the airport, Norman gives Target 1 the all clear to take off.

The Target 1 pilot tells Meddings there's no time for introductions, but tells him that they're right with him. The TX 204 takes off, and heads towards the Fireflash. Hanson says he's been dreading this moment, as he tells the passengers they're still unable to land. Every effort is being made to ensure their safety, so for now he asks them to remain calm.

The TX 204 gets right in front of the Fireflash. The back of the plane opens up, and Meddings, who is using a special target, is winched out. He is moved out of the TX 204...

...and heads under the Fireflash. He tells Hanson to open the number 4 inspection hatch, and to keep the plane steady -one false move and he's had it. The hatch is opened, and Meddings manages to get inside the plane.

Hanson asks Bob if he's ok. Meddings says he's ok, but he can't see the bomb. He manages to pull himself higher, as Hanson tells him the bomb is probably located on the master cylinders. Meddings is able to find the bomb, and says he can see it. He tries to get nearer, but says he can't reach it. He then says he'll try and get round to the other side.

As he grabs what he thinks is a solid beam, it's actually a flimsy cable which surprises him and causes him to fall. He falls out of the Fireflash, but is able to deploy his parachute and land safely.

Hanson says at least Bob made it. He then contacts the control tower, and says the rescue attempt has failed. Bob Meddings appears to be safe, but their radiation safety factor is now down to 30 minutes. Norman says there is only one alternative left to them: this area has now been evacuated, so they must return to London and land. The only chance that now exists is that the bomb may fail to explode. The radar operator then reports than an aircraft is approaching, at a speed of 7,500 miles per hour!

Scott contacts the control tower, and says he'll be touching down in two minutes. He says that the Fireflash is in trouble, but they are in a position to help them. He requests for permission to land. Norman wonders what International Rescue is, but tells Scott to use runway 2-9. Scott says he won't require a runway.

As Thunderbird 1 moves down, the Hood sees it descend. He sees that International Rescue are arriving on the scene, so part two of his plan is about to commence. He reveals he has the uniform of a airport security guard. Meanwhile, Thunderbird 1 lands at the airport. Scott contacts the tower again, and says he wants men and transport to move his portable equipment to the tower. He also wants assurance that guards will be placed around his aircraft, and no photographs will be taken.

Norman starts asking questions, and wants more information about International Rescue. Scott says there are about 600 people up there without about 40 minutes to live. They can't help them, but he believes that International Rescue can. Norman tells him he hopes he knows what he's doing, and has some police sent to Thunderbird 1.

One of the police cars is driven by the Hood, and says that now he'll make sure no one takes photographs of Thunderbird 1... except himself, of course. A little later, Scott has arrived in the control tower and says Fireflash has about 30 minutes until its radiation safety factor expires. The specialized gear he requires for the rescue will be here in 20 minutes, leaving them just 10 minutes for the rescue operation. He contacts Thunderbird 2 and asks him to confirm his estimated time of arrival. Virgil says he'll be arriving in 19 and a half minutes from now. Scott tells him that as soon as he arrives, he is to unload the high speed elevator car, along with the two radio controlled cars, and head to the end of runway 2-9.

Scott then contacts Fireflash, and says that 18 minutes from now they are to land using runway 2-9. They need to come in with the landing gear up, and to make a completely normal approach. Meanwhile, the Hood has gotten inside Thunderbird 1. As he looks around, he starts taking pictures via a hidden camera inside his hat.

This sets off an alert on Scott's equipment, and Scott realizes his aircraft is being photographed. He tells Norman it's imperative they get this man and stop him, Norman contacts the airport police and tells them what's going on, but the Hood has already gotten back into his car. As he speeds off, another police car goes after him.

Back at the airport, Thunderbird 2 arrives and lands. It moves upwards, revealing pod 3. The door to the pod opens, and out rolls the first elevator car.

Virgil is driving the master elevator car, which is followed out by two radio controlled cars. Norman then gets a report from the police, who have lost the car they were chasing after. They give the location the target was last seen going towards. Norman apologizes, but Scott says leave this to him.

He hits another button on his equipment. At a mansion, Lady Penelope is contacted by Scott. He says he needs her assistance, and gives details of what has happened and what car she needs to find.

Penelope gets up and says this is inconvenient, as she's expecting visitors... 3 coach loads of them, too. She summons her butler, Parker, and tells him to get the Rolls Royce. They're going for a little drive.

Scott tells Fireflash to standby, and then asks Virgil if he's ready. On the runway, the elevator cars move into position. Virgil tells Scott and Fireflash that he's ready. Scott tells Fireflash to commence their approach, and good luck.

The Fireflash starts to descend. Virgil then notices that the light for the third elevator car isn't on. He reports this to Scott, who tells him to check it out. Norman has the crash tenders to head to the runway, so the ambulances and fire trucks move out.

Virgil reports that the fault has cleared, but he doesn't know what the fault was. As the Fireflash approaches the runway, the elevator cars begin to move forward. Fireflash hovers over them, and Virgil tells the pilots to cut their engines. The plane attempts to land on the elevator cars...

...but Virgil tells them to overshoot when the third elevator car suddenly goes out of control. It crashes into another plane and explodes. Virgil says it was a radio fault in the control system of the third car. Scott tells him to backtrack to the starting point, and bring the standby elevator car into use. He then asks the Fireflash pilots what their radiation safety factor is now.

Hanson says it has expired, and if they're not down in a couple of minutes, the passenger and crew will receive fatal exposure. Scott tells them to make a second approach, so the Fireflash starts to descend again. Meanwhile, another radio controlled elevator car drives out of pod 3.

It joins with the other two cars, which then start to all drive forwards. The Fireflash flies over them, and cuts its engines. The plane lands on top of the elevator cars.

Virgil tells the pilots to use the reverse thrust, which they do. Virgil then applies brakes, but Hanson realizes they aren't going to make it -they're running out of runway!

Virgil says he'll apply maximum brakes. The cars start to slow down, but then their tires start exploding. Virgil moves his car aside and then uses it to push the Fireflash to the right.

He then loses control of his car, which heads off the runway and rolls over. The Fireflash is now skidding on its nosecone, but eventually comes to a stop.

Inside the Fireflash, the bomb falls apart, but doesn't explode. Norman says they've made it, and tells Scott that was a jolly good show. Scott contacts Virgil and asks if he's ok. Virgil says he is, and that was some good timing.

As the emergency services arrive at the Fireflash, Norman asks Scott how they can ever thank them. Scott says it's essential that their organization remains top secret. He wants them to make sure there are no aircraft within a 100 mile radius when they leave, and their assurance that they won't be tracked. Whatever happens, secrecy must remain at all costs. Norman says he'll do his best, but asks about that character who photographed his aircraft. Scott says not to worry -he'll be taken care of. Elsewhere, Penelope and Parker are out in FAB 1.

They find the car they're after. Penelope tells Parker to wait until they get to a clear stretch of road, as they don't want to create a scene. As Parker gets closer, Penelope tells him to go ahead. Parker uses FAB 1's grill gun to shoot at the Hood's car. He hits it and it explodes, causing it to smash through a barrier and roll down a hill.

The Hood has survived, but the film bursts out of his hat. He realizes that his pictures have been ruined, and someone will pay for this! International Rescue haven't heard the last of him!

Later on, at Tracy Island, Brains tells Jeff the doctor would like to see him. Jeff tells him to wait one moment, so he can commence operation cover up. He presses a button which causes the pictures of his son to change, showing pictures of them not in their International Rescue uniforms. Brains then shows the doctor in, and Jeff asks him what the verdict is. The doctor says Kyrano is ok, but he can't account for that dizzy spell. He assures Jeff that there is nothing wrong with Kyrano.

He then sees the newspaper Jeff is holding, which has a front page story about International Rescue. He thinks it's some story, and it's fantastic how the whole thing is cloaked in mystery. He sure wished he knew who these people were, as the one thing he'd like to do is shake them by the hand. Jeff shakes his hand, and thanks him again. The doctor says goodbye, and leaves.

"Well fellas, I guess that handshake was for all of us. Boys, I think we're in business!"

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