During a soccer match at the school, Shūta decides to show off by not passing any of his team mates the ball and instead just goes straight towards the other team's goal, gets past two defenders by himself and then scores by doing an overhead kick. But his coach isn't impressed because he is not getting the concept of teamwork and sends him away. Later on, Cab is heading back to the Cybertron base when his parrot tells him to wait. A ball rolls in, but it is actually his armadillo -which "transforms" from ball to animal. Cab is impressed.

At the base, Minerva says Hawk called them here...but the way she looks at Cab and Shūta is weird! Minerva explains that her stance is a basic traditional Japanese dance pose. She intends to master this Japanese dance style, and her teacher has already complimented her on her graceful movements. Shūta and Cab crack a joke about how she does need to "master" it, as they are the Masterforce after all! Minerva does not find that funny and says neither of them have the slightest bit of refinement or delicacy. They're just animals. Shūta and Cab ask if she'd like to repeat that little statement, but Hawk then comes into the room. He says that Diver has invited the three of them to America, and they are all excited to go.

Meanwhile in the USA, Wilder, Bullhorn and Cancer watch a motorcycle gang pass by on a road below. This gang is known as the Cool Guys, and Wilder has a grudge against them. He tells Cancer and Bullhorn than some time a go, he was the leader of a gang called the Jack Boys, but one day the Cool Guys entered their territory and defeated them. Wilder was beaten half to death and his gang broke up. He swore that he would get revenge.

Elsewhere in America, Shūta, Cab and Minerva have arrived at the Ocean Research Institute of California. They feed a dolphin, but then Diver appears and tells them playtime is over -the time for their training has begun! The kids are surprised, but Diver says that they are going to do some special training which will let them maximize the use of the new powers they have been given. Shūta is up first and has two van chase him, but he shifts his transtector into reverse and moves between them backwards. They end up crashing into each other.

A truck appears which has a large robot on it. This robot starts firing, but Shūta transforms to robot mode and take it down with a single blast. The area Shūta is in has actually partly been created by holograms, as the road he one in vanishes and reveals he's actually near a cliff. Diver says Cab is next.

Cab is in a devastated city, and starts putting out fires. A robot appears and makes him crash, before blasting fire at him. Cab transforms and blows the robot a part with a laser shot.

The hologram turns off, but Diver says Cab's handling was bad -from now on he needs to practice three times harder than Shūta! Minerva's training is next, and as she transforms to robot mode, she sees a puppy who has fallen into a stream below. She hesitates at first, but eventually dives down and saves him.

But as soon as she does this, a giant monster fish appears! She starts shooting at it wildly, but Diver tells her to shoot at the center tooth of the creature. She does this and destroys it, but fails to realise there is a waterfall until it is too late and she falls. The hologram is turned off, and Diver tells her to stay alert next time.

Back at the institute, Minerva admits that whilst she is confident at rescue operations, she is not keen on fighting. Shūta just tells her that she can leave all of the fighting to him and Cab. Diver then walks in and says that there was an incident at an underwater volcano and he's going to go and check it out, so they will have to look after the institute until he comes back. He sees Minerva looking depressed, and tells her that the Masterforce requires faith -so hang in there. He then hits the waters.

In the streets, the Cool Guys have accepted a challenge from Wilder -but the leader of the group, Mac, is surprised to see that Wilder only has two other guys with him. Wilder says that three is enough for insects like him. Mac isn't happy to be spoken to like that, and tells his gang to move in.

However, Wilder and his friends suit up, and easily take down their attackers. Mac is shocked that his gang was defeated to easily, and begs to be spared. Wilder tells him to stop groveling, as he intends to do twice as much damage to him as he did to him. He starts of by throwing him into a wall.

Blood and the other Destron Pretenders have been watching from their base. They tell Wilder to be even more violent -entice the young men by showing off the power the Destrons have given them. By doing this, more people will want to join the Destrons. Wilder has no problems with that, and as the police arrive, he, Bullhorn and Cancer overpower them with ease. Mac is excited by the power Wilder now has, and tells Priest, a fellow gang member, to round up the rest of the gang so they can join in the fighting.

The Destron Headmaster Junior's attack is soon shown on the news, and when Shūta sees it, he wants to go and kick them out of here. Minerva tries to stop him, and says they should contact Diver, but Shūta doesn't want to keep relying on guys like him or Hawk, they'll never become anything if they do. And he can't just sit here watching the Destron attack. As he rolls out, Cab says he can't let Shūta hog all the glory and wants to go also. Minerva tries to stop him, saying that they should contact Diver, but Cab finds her annoying -all she does is go on about Diver! If she's afraid of fighting, then she can just leave it to them. He rolls out, leaving Minerva behind.

Minerva returns to the lounge and continues to watch the news report, showing the Destrons still crushing any resistance. But she then see a tanker thrown towards an alleyway, where a young girl happens to be cowering. The tanker then explodes, and Minerva races out to the city to start rescue operations. Meanwhile, Shūta arrives at the city first. He yells at Wilder and the others that the Destrons are just using them, but they tell him to shut up.

Wilder tells the Cool Guys to just watch how powerful they all are, as he, Bullhorn and Cancer start firing at Shūta. Shūta runs back into his transtector and drives off as fast as he can.

Elsewhere, Cab is actually doing what he is meant to be doing, and puts out some fires. Minerva drives up and asks where Shūta is, but he doesn't know. She says he needs his help as a little girl is in danger. They go to look for her at the place Minerva saw on the news, but instead the girl's small dog. Since he can talk to the animals, Cab finds out that the girl is trapped in the underground park lot nearby. They go inside and find her trapped under a pillar, which they remove and throw aside.

Meanwhile, the Destron Headmaster Juniors have pushed Shūta back to a bridge, but the Cool Guys report they've seen two other Cybertrons nearby. Wilder has a Lobclaw summoned, and gets it to attack Shūta. They then go to deal with Cab and Minerva.

Minerva has taken the girl back out into the street and deals with her injuries, which were luckily only minor. As she wakes up she wants to know where her dog is, and Minerva brings the dog, called Pis, over to her. But then the Destron Headmaster Jrs appear. They see the Cybertrons have a girl on their side, and Cancer wants to bring her pain. They start firing, and as Cab charges forward, he gets taken out by the three.

Pis leaps free out of his master's arms and runs up to Wilder. The dog starts barking at him, and Wilder finds him annoying -so much so that he kicks the dog across the street. The little girl runs over to her dog, but he dies in her arms. She picks up some rocks and starts throwing them at the Destrons, yelling for them to give her Pis back. They ignore her and concentrate on beating up Cab, but Minerva has been moved by the little girl so much...

...that she decides to fight. Transforming into her robot mode, she blasts Bullhorn, stunning him. This gives Cab the chance, to draw out his gun and fire...

...to blast Wilder. Minerva kicks Cancer in the head, and Wilder says he has seen their true power, but they'll be back to get them someday! They then retreat, as do the Cool Guys gang, so Minerva and Cab rush back to help Shūta. Minerva blasts the Lobclaw and stuns it, so Shūta shoots one of the monster's pincers off.

A Kraken then appears and stuns Cab and Minerva, but Diver leaps out of the sea. He says to leave this guy to him, and grabs onto the Kraken and gets it to crash into the waters. In the sea, Diver destroys the Kraken.

Minerva shoots the Lobclaw again and stuns it, and through some team work between Shūta and Cab, they destroy it by impaling it with one of it's own pincers. With the battle now completely over, a grave is made for Pis. Minerva tells the little girl that she'll get her another dog like him.

Diver says that Minerva overcame her fear of fighting and then says that co-operation and courage are the most powerful weapons that they can have. And because of her actions, maybe he'll just have to overlook Shūta and Cab's grandstanding. They think that would be for the best! Minerva has overcame her weakness, and now Shūta and Cab understand how to work as a team, so together, they all have the courage to face evil.

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