Kenshiro has been walking through a desert, and heads towards a town.

The place seems empty but as Kenshiro walks on, his senses aren't quite what they should be since he's tired from walking through the desert. He gets caught in a trap, and is later thrown into a prison cell.

He isn't the only one in the cell though as there is also a boy called Bat in there. On the other side of the bars, one of the villagers asks a young girl called Lin to get some water for their new prisoner. She gets a small cup full of it and gives it to Kenshiro.

Ken introduces himself and asks Lin what her name is, but Bat tells him that she cannot talk. Ken tells Lin not to move and that it will be O.K. before hitting a pressure point on the back of her head. He says that he has made it so she can speak again, but the rest is up to her. Meanwhile a gang led by the dreaded Zeed are attacking the village!

Lin is called into battle. She throws down the keys to the cell so Ken and Bat can get out. Bat says that she knows she will be killed in this battle, but when Kenshiro hears this he tears apart the cell bars. Outside, Zeed and his gang have killed some of the villagers, and Zeed himself has taken Lin hostage.

Kenshiro arrives and when Lin sees him, she screams for him to stay back and not come any closer. Bat and the other villagers are amazed that Lin just spoke, but meanwhile some of Zeed's men confront the still advancing Kenshiro. Ken tells them to move, so they get angry and try to attack him, but he hits them all with one kick.

Ken jumps up and lands before Zeed. The three men he kicked turn around and run after him, but they only get to take a few steps before their heads bulge up and then explode. All of the villagers watch in awe, as the village elder says this style is one he has heard of...Hokuto Shinken!

Zeed sees what has happened and realises that this man must be the one who killed some of his other guys earlier. Kenshiro asks him to let the girl go but when he refuses, Ken uses a Hokuto Shinken technique to hit him repeatedly.

Zeed drops Lin, but she is caught by Kenshiro. As Zeed crashes into the ground behind them, Kenshiro says the name of the technique he just used: Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken (North Star 100 Crack Fist). Zeed gets back up and tells Kenshiro that his punches felt like mosquito bites. He'll kill him now! Kenshiro only has one last thing to say to him...


(You are already dead)

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