Hokuto no Ken: Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu

Hokuto no Ken: Seikimatsu Kyūseishu Densetsu
-From Rage Quitter 87's Fist of the North Star site

Bandai's Hokuto no Ken game was only released in Japan, on the 26th of October 2000. Adapting the story of the original manga, the game is a 3D scrolling beat 'em up which goes from Kenshiro's battle with Zeed all the way up to his final fight with Raoh, although some parts of the story are left out (for example, you get to fight Spade and Heart, but Club and Diamond are not in the game). As far as Hokuto no Ken games go, this is one of the better ones, as long as you like stuff like Final Fight and Streets of Rage.

1) Gameplay
2) Secrets


The story mode starts off with you playing as Kenshiro, as he encounters the Zeed gang and meets Bat and Lin for the first time. The basic stages consist of several enemies being on the screen, and you need to defeat them all to progress. There are buttons for punching, kicking and jumping, and Kenshiro has several different moves and combos he can do. The basic enemies can only take a few hits before dying, but the bosses take more, and some have their own life bars to deplete.

Certain enemies -namely the ones in red clothes -can be defeated with a Hokuto Shinken technique. If one of these enemies is about to attack you, you have a split second to hit them before they hit you. If you do this, the screen will change and some icons with fists pointing in different directions will appear on the screen. The aim is to press buttons on the controller in order to complete the move -the triangle button represents the up fist, the circle button represents the right fist, X is the down fist and square is the left fist. By completing these moves, not only will the enemy instantly die, his explosion can damage other enemies and Kenshiro will even get a little bit of life added back to the life gauge. All boss characters have to be defeated in this manner.

A 2 player vs mode is also available, where characters such as Rei, Amiba, Souther and Mamiya can be played as. There is also an unlockable survival mode where you must try and defeat as many enemies as possible.


Unlock more VS. mode characters
In the story mode, you need to beat each boss without using a continue. They will then appear in the VS. mode selection screen.

Unlock "Abeshii" mode

Complete the story mode without using any continues and the option for Abeshii mode will appear on the main menu. This mode is a survival game where you must defeat as many enemies as possible.

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