Pel, that little scamp, is running around out of control and barking, as Bat and Lin follow him. The puppy eventually leads them to where the village elder is, and they start to smell something nice: a cake! The elder has prepared a cake for Mamiya as it is her birthday today, and he hasn't had the chance to make a cake in such a long time. Pel starts begging and everyone starts to laugh as Pel clearly wants some of the cake too. Hardy har har.

Mamiya is looking for her brother, Ko, when she sees Ken and Rei and asks them about his whereabouts. Ken has no idea, but Rei says that he saw him leave the village earlier, some time a go, and he went alone. This worries Mamiya, but Ko is actually on his way back: he has been out to get something for Mamiya and is on the way home on his bike. But suddenly some large boulders fall from above! He dodges the first one...

...but the second one gets too close for comfort, forcing him to jump off his bike. This was the doing of the Fang clan, as Kemada and two other men appear before Ko. Ko notices Kemada and believes that he must be their leader -maybe if he can kill him, the others will run away. He takes out a knife and quickly throws it...

...right into Kemada's head. However, he isn't hurt by this at all, and instead quite enraged that somebody would dare to do a thing like that to him. He tells his friends to beat Ko up, and then they head back to Mamiya's village with some other Fang clan guys.

Kemada gets together a bunch of his fellow brothers and they all head back to Mamiya's village. The residents hear them coming and soon discover to their horror that they have captured Ko. Kemada says that he is outraged that they have killed some of his brothers, so he will have his revenge. He stabs Ko -wounding, but not killing him.

The villagers want to save Ko, but Mamiya prevents them as they would have to open the front gate, putting everyone at risk. She knows Ko will understand this. Kenshiro starts to walk forward but Rei prevents him from attacking, as he says if he even gets close to the Fangs they will just kill Ko, and then drive away before he can do anything. But Kemada decides to teach the two village protectors a lesson for killing so many of his brothers by fatally slashing Ko with his sword.

Kemada says that this will be the result of anyone who dares to challenge the Fang clan, and that everyone in the village is going to die. He takes the pendant Ko was wearing, stating he won't be needing it any more. The Fangs then drive off, leaving the villagers to collect Ko's body. They take his corpse inside a building and start mourning.

Lin shows the elder a small bag she found next to Ko, and opens it to find some strawberries. The elder says that those are Mamiya's favorite and tells Lin to go and put them on the birthday cake. Mamiya sees this and when she realises that her brother has died just to get something for her, she turns around and walks out of the room. Rei seem to take this completely the wrong way though, and says how strong Mamiya is for taking Ko's death so well. She is a fine village leader.

The other villagers tell him to shut up as he doesn't understand at all: Ko was her only brother, so she is the one most upset by his death. Lin then starts to put strawberries on the cake whilst singing the saddest rendition of the Happy Birthday song ever, and later Rei and Ken head out to see Mamiya praying and crying next to her parent's graves. Rei stays to watch her as Ken turns around and walks back, whilst thinking that what the Fang clan have done is unforgivable.

Later on there is a funeral for Ko, where his body is burnt to ash. Ken sneaks off and leave the village, and soon finds a Fang who is spying on the villagers with a pair of binoculars. He presses some of his pressure points to stop him from moving and then forces him to reveal the location of where the Fang's stronghold is, and if he doesn't do it, he will die. The Fang tells him that it is just beyond some mountains close by.

Ken tells the Fang not to move or he will die. He moves anyway and explodes. Ken then comes across Rei surrounded by Kemada and his brothers, and he wonders why Rei is here. Rei is taunting the Fangs by saying that they are all trash compared to someone who is a master of a Nanto style.

Kemada seems confident that he and the others will be able to kill him due to their superior numbers. Kenshiro then arrives and after killing two more Fangs he asks Rei why he is here. Rei says that they are both here for the same reason: they seem to have a weakness for a woman's tears. Kemada can't believe they'd talk about such things whilst in his presence and sends the other Fangs to attack.

As Rei said, the Fangs are just trash compared to what he and Kenshiro can do. Many of the clan are sliced up, whilst Kenshiro performs some acrobatics to destroy his opponents.

Kemada has everyone he's got go into battle, but the combined power of Hokuto and Nanto soon destroys them all. Kemada finds that he's out of friends and that Kenshiro and Rei are walking towards him.

Rei asks what he is going to do now, so the last surviving Fang tells him that if he dies, his father will get very angry and kill everyone. Rei laughs it off, saying that Kemada's father is nothing. Kenshiro then removes Ko's pendant from him and then starts to do a series of punches that don't actually seem to hit Kemada, but they get faster and faster.

This is another Hokuto Shinken technique -the Hokuto Senjukai Ken (North Star Thousand Hand Destruction Fist) which does a barrage of punches all at the same time. When the attack finishes, Kemada has just seven seconds left to live. But he isn't even given that long, as Rei just walks up to him and slices him to pieces.

With Ko avenged, Ken wants to know why Rei is after the man with the seven scars. Rei reveals that red veil he has and says that it belonged to his sister, Airi. It was part of her wedding dress but the night before the big day, bandits attacked Rei's village when he wasn't home. They entered his house, where his father, mother and sister all were.

The last thing Rei's father told him before he died was that the one who took Airi had seven scars on his chest.

Rei knows that his sister may be dead now, but he refuses to give up hope and wants to find her. But he also wants to find this man with seven scars and kill him. The two head back to Mamiya's village, where Mamiya is thinking about her lost brother. Kenshiro drops Ko's pendant in front of her, which Kemada had stolen earlier. Ken then leaves saying that the pendant was a present of sadness.


The leader of the Fang clan finally reveals himself to Kenshiro and Rei! What has he in store for the Fist of the North Star? Find out next time in "Tremble & Die! Villains Of Night Fog Valley!!"