In the next room, there are two barrels, usually these will contain health items. The enemies you'll face here include Ray, Andore and Rick. Most of these enemies have quite a bit of health. Defeat them and you'll then have to fight the likes of Hunter and Joe.

Once you can move on, you'll have to fight Joe, Dirk and Rick. Defeat them and Johnny and G will come on, beat them up and you'll then have to face Joe, along with a couple of Andores. The last enemies you'll have to fight here are Billy and another Andore.

You'll then move into the factory's blast furnace. There are many enemies here, and some of them, like Fat Jack, have a lot of health. Move on to fight even more enemies, including Fat Jack, Arby and Hunter.

Move on to find another barrel, which should contain a health item. You'll have to fight several more enemies here, including a Hunter who has a lot of health. He's backed up by the likes of G and Johnny. Defeat them and move on, and Stray will drop in. Stray can move around quickly, and has an attack where he'll jump up and try and strike you from above.

His other main attack is his dash punch, which covers a decent amount of distance. The main danger with Stray is his speed, as he's pretty fast. He will also block your attacks occasionally, and he also gets plenty of backup from the rest of the Skull Cross gang. He does have one weakness though: if you knock him down, stand directly in front of him as he gets up, and start mashing the attack button. Unusally for a boss, he'll start getting hit as soon as he gets up.