You'll start off outside the headquarters of the Skull Cross gang. First off you'll fight G, Ray and Dirk. Once they've been dealt with, head right and fight Joe, Rick and Hunter. Once one of these has been defeated, an additional Joe will cone on. Defeat them all and then head right, where Fritz and his clones with run on. Defeat them or avoid their grenades.
Head right to encounter more enemies, like Hunter and Dirk. Beat them and you'll have to fight Joe and Fat Jack, and then you can move on. You'll then arrive at the front entrance, but before you can go in, you need to beat up several more enemies.
Once you defeat the first group, some more will come on -watch out for the charging Arby. The last two enemies to come on are Andore and G. Once they've been defeated, you'll break down the front door.
Inside, break open the first door you see by throwing an enemy over it. Go into this room, there are several enemies to deal with in here, but it's worth it as the water dispenser in the far right corner of the room has an extra life item inside it. Once everyone has been defeated, you'll head back out. You can also leave this room at any time just by holding left at the place where you came in.
Once you're back in the corridor, you'll have to fight several of the weaker Skull Cross guys, along with Arby and Fat Jack. Head on and you'll next be up against several Mays, but there is another door you can break open. Do so and head into the room. Inside, you'll find Andore and Dirk waiting.
Head right and smash open the water dispenser to reveal a health item. More enemies will drop in, like Joe and G. Either defeat them all, or just head back out of the room. Once you're back in the corridor, head on right until you can go no further. You'll be at the door to an elevator, but there are a few more Skull Cross members to beat up first, including May, Fat Jack, Arby and Andore.
Once they've been defeated, the elevator doors will open, and you'll head inside it. As the elevator moves up, you'll then have to fight a lot of Joes, who will keep jumping in. They've got new colors, and their moves can do quite a bit of damage.
Once you're out of the elevator, head down the corridor and fight Joe, Rick and Fat Jack. After they've been dealt with, you'll then have to fight several Mays, some of which have a lot of health. Defeat them and move on, where you'll encounter Fritz and his clones again.
Once they've been dealt with, some barrels will drop down, destroy them to get health or points items. Move on and another set of barrels will be sent your way, so be ready to destroy those as well. Once the barrels are gone, you'll have to fight Arby and Fat Jack.
Defeat them and their clones will come on, so beat them up too. Defeat them and... clones of the clones will show up, so you know what to do. Once they've been defeated, you'll get to fight Andore, Ray and G.
Once one of this group has been defeated, one more Andore will come on. Move on and watch out for some barrels that drop down, destroy them for health and points items. You'll then have to fight Rick, Billy and May.
Defeat them, and then be ready to fight G, Joe and Arby. Once they been beaten, you'll have to fight some weaker enemies, but then two Andores and a Joe will come on. Once they've been defeated, you'll see a helicopter hover outside the window, and then head up onto the roof.
You'll run out and head up to the roof. The helicopter will land, and Black, the leader of the Skull Cross gang, will jump out. He'll rip his shirt off, and the final fight then begins.
Black has several attacks, his main one being his spinning clothesline. This covers a large distance, and it can hit you more than once. If you knock him down, don't wait near him as he usually always uses this attack when he gets back up. His other attacks include a blue fireball blast, and he will also try hitting you with his stick.
He will also sometimes throw knives at you. You need to try and attack him between the moves he makes, he has a lot of health so it'll take a while to wear him down. Once you've done enough damage to him, he'll stay at the right side of the roof, where there happens to be a power generator. He will use his attacks here even when he's not close to you, the only one to watch out for is when he throws his knives.
What you need to do is attack him when he stops using an attack, then back off and repeat. Don't try to throw him at this point, keep using jump kicks or special moves. Once he's defeated, he'll crash into the generator, and will be killed via electrocution. The building will then start to explode, and you'll run off.