On the bus, you'll have to fight the likes of Billy, Johnny and Ray. Once they've been dealt with, Fat Jack will come on, so watch out for his charging attack.
You'll have to fight some other minor punks here, along with Arby. Head on to find even more Skull Cross members, including May. Once they've been beaten, get ready to fight Andore, along with another two Mays and some other Skull Cross guys.
Once the bus stops, you'll see a couple of barrels, these usually contains health or points items. Head on and fight the likes of Dirk, Billy and Johnny. Move on and watch our for Fat Jack and Arby, who will charge in from opposite sides of the screen.
Another Fat Jack will come on once the first one has been defeated. Move on to get to a wrecked bus, there isn't much space to fight here, and there are several enemies to deal with. You'll have to take on Rick, Andore and several others.
You'll then leap up onto the top of the bus. Head to the very end and Caine will jump in, and a few other Skull Cross members will appear to back him up. Caine is armed with a wrench, which he will try and strike you with. He has pretty good reach thanks to his long arms, so try not to stand around in front of him.
His other attacks include a grab where he'll hit you over the head a few times, and a move where he'll rapidly strike out with his wrench. Take out the small fry Skull Gang members first, there are several of them but if you get them out of the way it makes fighting Caine easier. If you knock Caine down, don't stand around near him as when he gets up, he'll usually get you with his grab.