Head right and fight some basic Skull Cross guys, along with Dirk. Once they are beaten, a few more gang members will come on, like Fat Jack. You'll also encounter Joe here, who can move quickly and can be difficult to attack since he can leap around. Once they've been beaten, several enemies called Fritz will come on. These guys will throw a grenade and then run off. They have very little health, so either beat them quickly or stay away from their grenades.
Head on to find more of the same enemies, including a differently colored Joe (he attacks in the same way as the previous one). Head on past the truck and fight off even more Skull Cross members, including Fat Jack. You'll then head up some stairs.
You'll arrive on the roof of a restaurant. Fight the enemies here, which include Dirk, Joe and many more. Once they've all been defeated, watch out for Fritz and his clones, 3 of them will come on. Defeat them or avoid them.
Head on right to fight the likes of Joe and May. Once you get as far right as you can go, there are a couple of barrels to break open, usually you'll get a health item here. More enemies will then come on, including Arby and Fat Jack.
Another Joe variant will come on here, but other than having different colors, he attacks and moves in the same way as the other ones you've fought already. Once everyone has been defeated on the roof, you'll smash down a wall and head inside the restaurant. The first wave of enemies you'll fight include Joe and Ray.
The Andore family will make an appearance here, and you'll have to fight several members. There's a new variant who wears differently colored pants than the previous Andores, but other than that, he has no other differences. Some of the other enemies here include Joe and May. Defeat them all and head right, where you'll have to fight even more Andores.
You'll also have to fight the likes of Fat Jack and Joe, then battle with a few more Andores. Once they've been dealt with, you'll arrive in the kitchen.
Head right and Wong will smash down the door. His main move is his rolling attack, which can hit you more than once. He can leap around the screen and cover large distances quickly. He's also backed up by several Skull Cross members.
Wong also has a punch, but most of the time he uses his rolling attack. This has a big weakness -if he misses with it, he'll land and take a few seconds to get up. You can use this time to move in and throw him. Once he's beaten, he'll try to get back up, but will fall down again.