Street Fighter Round One: Fight! (DVD)
This is a digital comic version of some of the early Udon Street Fighter comics, which basically means you get the comic book artwork but now there are added special effects and voice acting. I can imagine that the budget for this thing wasn't that big but the voice actors did a commendable job. The story moved along at a quick pace and the fact that the story doesn't solely concentrate on Ryu is a good thing in my book. The artwork is also good. If a second volume is released, I'll buy it.
Spider-Man (1994 cartoon, DVD)
I watched the third season this month. Overall it wasn't as good as the previous ones. Madame Webb is an annoying new character who randomly appears in certain episodes, tells Spider-Man of some cryptic bs and then she's gone. The cross-over episodes with Iron Man and War Machine also felt like a wasted opportunity as Iron Man barely appeared in it (although the look of Iron Man in this show was much more detailed than in his own). The episodes with Dare Devil and the Kingpin were decent however.
The Apprentice
I watched seasons 1 and 2 of the US version of the show via Youtube, because the UK isn't cool enough to get DVDs of this. I'd seen the first series several years a go but that was it. I quite enjoyed this and I always love how there is one useless candidate who somehow lasts for several weeks before getting fired. My favourite season 1 character was Sam, just because he was nuts and the expression on his face when he got fired was hilarious/demonic. Season 2 wasn't as good but still perfectly watchable. I've just started watching the third season.