Rocky V (DVD)
Everything I had read stated that this was the worst Rocky film of them all and that Stallone himself hates it. So I wasn't expecting much and was pleasantly surprised once I'd watched it -I thought it wasn't anywhere near as bad as people make out and I enjoyed it more than Rocky III or IV. The plot is finally different to the previous movies as Rocky loses all of his money and isn't allowed to fight any more, so he trains up someone else whilst trying to resist the pressure of going back into the ring himself. He's also got to deal with his son (who's aged a little bit too much between this movie and the last one) who he keeps ignoring. The only thing I didn't like was right at the end, there were some weird camera shots where things would zoom into a character's face. I think this would have been a fitting ending to the series even if Rocky Balboa hadn't been made. One more movie to go and then I've seen them all.
The Simpsons (Season 4 DVD)
I think everyone agrees that old Simpsons is much better than new Simpsons, and some of the episodes on this -including the Itchy and Scratchy movie, Lisa needing braces and Mr. Plow. I watched every episode on with commentary from the creators, which always leads to some interesting facts, such as the Kamp Krusty episode originally been envisioned as a full-blown movie. I've now watched all the Simpsons DVDs I have, which is the first four seasons and I will try and get some more.