Street Fighter was originally first broadcast between 1995 and 1997 in America, lasting for 2 seasons with a total of 26 episodes. I believe this show has never aired outside of the USA, and it became something of a legend for the longest time. But then ADV released DVD sets of both seasons in 2003, confirming it was real. And it was nuts, with suspect animation in many episodes, silly plots and other nonsense. The first season primarily features characters from Super Street Fighter II, with all 16 characters making appearances at some point. Akuma, the hidden character from Super Street Fighter II Turbo, appears in the first season's finale.

The cartoon serves as a sequel of sorts to the live action movie, and features Guile as the leader of a secret crime fighting team known only by their code name "Street Fighter". There are some story differences when compared to the movie, mainly that Bison, Blanka and Dhalsim are all alive, Dee Jay is now on the good guy's side, whilst Balrog and Zangief work for Bison. Bison and his forces serve as the main bad guys, although occasionally some new villains, such as Satin Hammer, appear. Characters frequently use their special moves -Guile loves spamming his sonic boom throughout the series, and Chun-Li tends to use her spinning bird kick a lot.

The second season features several new story arcs that last a few episodes each. Ken must put his ego in check after he encounters Akuma and becomes the world's greatest warrior, Blanka has to try and keep his rage under control after mutating into an even stronger beast, whilst Cammy switches sides and turns against Guile and the other Street Fighters. The second season has nearly every character from Super Street Fighter II Turbo make at least once appearance at some point, but many episodes put the spotlight on characters from Street Fighter Alpha 2.

For much more information and pictures on every episode, please check out my cartoon coverage section.