Released in 2018, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary includes twelve games, and one of them is The World Warrior. It's as close to the arcade version as you'd expect, with only a few small changes which were to get around some copyright issues. On Guile's stage, the air force logo on the ground was edited, as was a drinks can -apparently the original looked a little too much like a can of Coca Cola. Some Coca Cola boxes on Chun-Li's stage were also altered. There is also an oddity with Blanka -during his ending, the music glitches and ends up playing Ken's theme instead. All of the games on the collection feature a save and load option, allowing you to save during gameplay and load the game if you mess up. There are also a few filter options, allowing you to change the way the game is displayed on your screen.

Only four of the games on the collection have online play, and World Warrior isn't one of them. It does have a game info section, which goes into details about the game, along with some tips and secrets. There is also a museum mode, which has a lot of details about the history of the Street Fighter series, including lots of development documents and more.