Hyper Fighting was released on the Xbox 360 in 2006. This version is as close to the arcade version as you'd expect, but the main feature is the online mode, which lets people battle each other over Xbox Live.

For many people this was the first time they could play a Street Fighter game online, but most were left disappointed with the poor netcode. Games lagged, connections dropped and it could be difficult to even get into a game, or even make a game start -there are bugs where the lobbies would freeze up when a fight was about to begin. There are ranked matches, which have leaderboards, and player matches, which are for casual play. As of 2021 nobody is playing this game online any more. This version also features a pretty bad glitch where exiting the game will crash your console -you'll have to turn it off and on again to fix it.

The game features twelve achievements, which include things such as playing 50 ranked online matches, using all twelve characters, and beating the game without losing a round. This version is still available to download, and currently costs less than $5. If you plan to play online I wouldn't bother getting this version, as the online scene for it is dead. If you only want to play single player or local multiplayer, this version of the game is good. This version also sold very well, something which surprised Capcom -due to the strong sales, Street Fighter IV was put into development.