Released in 2008, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is a downloadable game for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. It features redrawn graphics, changed moves, new endings, online play and much more. Really I should make a specific section for this game as there are so many changes and adjustments, but as sprite sheets aren't available and I can't take my own screens for this, this page will have to do for now. David Sirlin, who designed the game, has listed all the changes he made and why over at his site, click here to take a look. If you don't like the changes, you can set it so it plays like the original 1994 game.

HD Remix received mostly positive reviews from the gaming press, but reaction was mixed from the players, especially the hardcore. A lot of Super Turbo diehards do not like the changes made to the game. The online mode is poor as you have no idea on how laggy your opponent is going to be, and there is a glitch where the match won't start and the game gets stuck on a menu screen. Personally, I don't like the new music -I do like some of the stuff OverClocked ReMix has done for other games, but I felt they were off the mark with this. The redrawn graphics look ugly in motion and whilst you can turn on old graphics for the characters, you can't do this for the backgrounds, which is annoying.

I would still recommend this though as you can play the original mode online. Many people still play this (at least on the 360, from what I've seen) and if you can get into a decent lobby, it is quite playable. I think though a lot of people would just like a port of the original Super Street Fighter II Turbo with lag less online play.