Japanese |
American |
Submitted by Flying Omelette (visit her Kid Icarus shrine here). Different title screens. |
Japanese |
American |
The columns, curtains, and centurion statues appear in the ending on the Japanese version, even if you didn't get the best ending. (But they are different colors. In the American version, the curtains are green, the columns are gray, and the centurion statues are pink.) |
Japanese |
American |
Japanese |
This ending is exclusive to the Japanese version... |
American |
...whilst this one only exists in the American game. |
There is some misinformation on the Internet about the final level of the game. Some sites claim that the final level does not automatically scroll in the Japanese version, and you have to continually tap the A button to fly. This is not actually true, and the levels play the same no matter which version of the game you are playing. The final level of the Game Boy sequel -Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters -does feature a final level with no automatic scrolling, and you have to keep tapping a button to fly. It is likely this somehow got misinterpreted or misremembered as the American version vs. Japanese version, instead of correctly as the NES game vs. the Game Boy sequel.