No particular order for these either.

Halo 3 ODST (Xbox 360)

This must be the most boring Halo since the first one. Half the time I seemed to be wandering around near empty streets, trying to figure out where I'm suppose to go next and ending up at the wrong place after ten minutes of walking. Who's idea was that? And I really didn't care about any of the characters in this either. The new fire fight mode also really sucked because it didn't have a match making option, you can only play it with people on your friends list -ridiculous. At least the second disc had some extra maps for the original Halo 3, because ODST wasn't good at all.

Aliens Vs. Predator (Xbox 360)

This wasn't a bad game, but I still found it very disappointing, especially compared to Aliens Vs. Predator 2 for the PC. The campaign mode was very short, even with three different characters. It's silly that the marines can knock the aliens and predators back by smashing them with their guns. The online modes aren't that great either, I hate the instant kill moves and the survivor mode in this game completely pales to the one found in AvP 2. And then to make things worse, I found out this year that AvP 2's servers have been shut down so you can't play online any more. Despite this, I still have some interest in Aliens: Colonial Marines, which is due out in 2011. Hopefully they can do a better job with that.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

What I hated about this game was just one thing: the shaky cam. It just made it so damn hard to shoot stuff accurately and it should have been a feature you could turn on or off, not something on permanently. I really like the original Resident Evil 2 and thought it would be great to see the locations and monsters from that game redone with updated graphics, but five minute of playing this proved otherwise. Oh and the name sucks.

Netcode in Capcom fighting games
(Xbox 360 & PS3)

Why is the netcode in Capcom fighting games so consistently bad? When I tried out Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 a few times throughout the year, I saw the same glitches and crashing games people reported on day 1. Super Street Fighter IV uses the same netcode as the original -average at best, unplayable at worst, and the amount of times I've seen that "unable to join game" message is pathetic -such as up to 20 times in a row before I actually get into a match. In SSFII HD Remix, you can't even tell the ping of you opponent so you have no idea if you should fight him/her or not. I have a copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 on pre-order, which promises to have "the speed of light" netcode. I don't have my hopes up for that being true. I do hope they don't mess up Third Strike: Online Edition when it is released next year.

PSP memory stick woes

So I purchased a PSP, a copy of Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max and a 8GB memory stick early this year. I got home, turned the system on and started the game, only to find out that Alpha 3 doesn't work with the memory stick. Because it only works with the 1GB sticks apparently. Come on. And Darkstalkers Chronicle also has this problem, so this led to my buying a 1GB stick just to save data for these two games. FU Capcom and/or Sony.

Trying to change the NAT settings to open (Xbox 360)

One year on, what have I learnt about NAT? I've learnt that NAT still sucks. I even managed to change it to open a couple of times (seemed to work at random) but even then, guess what? Me and Ragey still couldn't play together normally. To play Left 4 Dead or Castlevania HoD we have to join a game someone else made and games like Resident Evil 5 are totally out of the question. I hate NAT.