King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (Xbox 360)

So, due to either SNK or Microsoft screwing up, this was released early, but the online mode wasn't working. Then when it was officially released it cost 4294967295 points. Then when they fixed that and made it 800 points the online still didn't work. Eventually someone remembered to flip down the "on" switch and yeah, KoF 2K2 is here. Most of the better players say the online mode sucks (input lag means that they can't get the timing right for their combos) but a scrub like myself can cope just fine.

My team usually consists of Ryo, EX Robert and Takuma. Sometimes I substitute Ryo for either Terry, Andy or Kusangi. At the time of writing this, I've won 66 matches and lost 29....and not one rage quitter! Well done KoF community. As for the single player mode stuff, I've beaten arcade mode a few times, beat everyone in the survival mode and made a start on the challenge mode.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (Xbox 360)

However, in comparison to the above, HD Remix is an ideal breeding ground for rage quitters. I've been playing it online a lot with my main character being Ryu. I've also been putting time in to try out Vega, who I've gotten better with.

And now what you came here for: rage quitters. Bad games to iconguy52, VILLAdu84, Rom187, JESS POWER KING, StOneh3nge, Bouncyy x, Xsinister420X, Chris Jim and amgohavmesumfun. gt427 is a rage quitter and a liar, but I've played him several times since and he hasn't quit. In fact he's actually quite a decent Dhalsim player. Xiovani found out about this site and is currently making himself look like a bigger and bigger idiot by the hour, just check out his spam messages. There were some good games though. I can't remember everyone, but good games to GlitchyRicci, KurticusGT (who is one of the best Vega players I've ever fought), Perillious and honorable mention to Cutewilldestroy who I played a few good games of Marvel Vs Capcom 2 with.

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (Xbox 360)

I beat the story mode with Kenshiro, Rei, Mamiya and made a start with Toki. I'm playing on easy because I'm a wimp but some boss attacks still do a lot of damage, and when I was playing as Kenshiro I lost to Raoh, the final boss, a couple of times. I also beat the Dream mode with Ken, Jagi and Shin. Kenshiro is the strongest character I have at the moment, as I've upgraded his stats significantly. I haven't really got that much left to do in the game other than beat the story and Dream modes with a few other characters, so I should have this beaten by the end of the year.

Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP)

I was listening to some music from the Darkstalkers games, which reminded me that I had a Darkstalkers game for the PSP. Which reminded me also that I actually own a PSP, because I haven't used mine in months. Anyway, I played through this using Donovan and completed it on one credit. I then played through it again with a different version of Donovan (every character has slightly different move sets depending on which mode you select before the game starts) and again one credit cleared it, and got to fight a hidden bonus boss at the end, who seemed to be an alternate version of Bishamon. There have been a lot of rumors about a new Darkstalkers game being developed, and I hope a new sequel does see the light of day, or even a re-release of one of the old games on Xbox Live. I would like to play Darkstalkers online.