Super Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)
As soon as I got this I started playing online. Winning 10 matches in a row in both ranked and player matches were quite tough but I did it and got a couple of my achievements for the trouble. Another achievement in the game involved ranking every character up to level C online, which basically meant winning around 18 to 20 games with each fighter. This was a good idea for an achievement and I managed to do it. Most of the characters were fairly easy to use, the most difficult I found was Gen, who I was useless with and I didn't fare that well with C.Viper either. Offline wise I beat arcade mode with every character and did a few of the combo challenges in trial mode.
Good games to ReverencePOP, anfypops, T Bone9524 and Genjuro SRK. Bad games to BreeziestCargo, Galbally and ION CRUCIAL, who all rage quit on me. SHAKARULES also pulled the plug early but I didn't record that match. Here is some hate mail PrimalNavigator sent to me.
Metal Slug XX (Xbox 360)
Beaten online and offline. I played through the game online first with someone in Japan (poke3) and surprisingly the connection wasn't that bad. There was some lag at times but it was a lot better than the usual garbage netcode SNK games seem to have. I used Marco online but switched to Eri when I played though the game alone as I like the fact she has more grenades and has better control over where she throws them. She gets more ammo for the special weapons too.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)
I beat the campaign mode on the normal difficulty setting. Not much to say really, as I said on my collection page, the campaign just felt tacked on and isn't quite as good as the Call of Duty games. I've briefly played the game online and ranked up a few times, but I've got a long way to go yet.
Aliens Vs. Predator (Xbox 360)
I beat campaign mode with all three characters. Eh, nothing that great about the single player stuff in this game and I'm not in a rush to play through it again. Online hasn't really been that much better as it takes far too long for a game to start and when it does, I've usually found myself going up against a couple of other players at the most, so it seems not many bother playing this. The survival mode was also extremely disappointing, with one of the maps being too small and my team mates killing each other with friendly fire.
Doom II (Xbox 360)
Just started and as this was released late on this month I'm not that far in it. I'm up to the 9th level on the Ultra Violence difficulty setting. I haven't tried the online co-op yet but I did try online deathmatch, which was OK. Special no thanks to sune mangs who decided to rage quite when I was beating him, in the very first game I played online.
Power Stone Collection (PSP)
I beat the first game with Falcon and Ayame, no continues. The last boss was a lot easier than I remembered when I last played Power Stone on the Dreamcast several years a go. As for the sequel, I beat it with Falcon and Kraken but had to use continues as I kept losing to the final boss. One of my friends has this and we played some vs. games together, which were good and I really like the fact that you can use the first game's bosses in the sequel.