King of Fighters XII (Xbox 360)

With the release of King of Fighters XIII in Japanese arcades this month, I went back to playing this. There are some people still playing it, occasionally, and the games I played were surprisingly lag free for the most part. Good games to just about anyone I played, especially Enigme de Janus. My teams consisted of the following characters: Ryo, Robert, Terry, Andy, Kim, Kyo and Raiden. I occasionally used Athena, Leona and Ash too.

Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

Going back on what I said in March, I started a new file on the easy mode. The shaky cam still gets in the way but I got much further than I did in my previous attempt, beating all of the Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica levels. I'm now in the levels with Leon and Krauser and I don't think I've got that many left to beat to finish the game. I might try and beat it on normal since you get to keep all of the upgraded guns you have on a new playthrough, but I'm more interested in starting Umbrella Chronicles next.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Xbox 360)

I've increased my rank a few times in the multi-player mode and unlocked several new weapons and items in doing so. Mainly I've been using the medic class as I like the defib unit (bring dead team mates back to life). The class I'm weakest with is the sniper one, I've never been that good with video game sniper rifles.

Fighter's History Dynamite (Neo Geo)

Beaten on easy with Ray, without using any continues. I tried using Mizoguchi but I can't get his hidden moves to come out consistently -they involve doing a joystick motion then pressing all 4 buttons together. I'm trying to beat it on normal without continues now and I might ditch Ray and go for Karnov as having using him a couple of times his move set rocks, especially his kicks. I would love for this game to come to Xbox Live arcade because I'd like to play some versus games online.