Battlefield 1943 (Xbox 360)
A nice little downloadable title which I've had lots of fun with. There isn't much I can say about making progress with this -basically you play on one of three maps trying to capture command points whilst also fighting against enemy players and preventing them from doing the same thing. I've unlocked all of the achievements for this (most of them were easy to get).
Halo 3 ODST (Xbox 360)
Started and finished the largely boring campaign mode on the normal difficulty level. I also tried the Firefight mode after having to message people I don't know to set up a game because you can't just create a game lobby and let people join for some retarded reason. And even then, Firefight isn't as good as most other co-op shooters. I might try and beat the campaign mode on Heroic next as I did with Halo 3, but I'm certainly in no rush.
This game comes with a second disc which features all of Halo 3's multi-player along with some new maps and I've been playing that a little. I reached the rank of Lieutenant, whatever that means/does. If anything.
Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox 360)
I completed the campaign mode on normal difficulty. Like the other Call of Duty games I have, I then went back and played through the game on veteran difficulty. This has to have the worst veteran campaign I've played through so far as the developers must have mistakenly thought that "make the A.I. harder" meant "make the A.I. throw grenades every 2 seconds to the player's exact location, even if they can't be seen". Seriously, the grenade spam in this game is ridiculous and some missions seemed almost impossible to do without a fair amount of luck rather than skill. I did manage to beat it on veteran but only just and this game was much more difficult than either Modern Warfare 1 or 2 on veteran for all the wrong reasons.
With the campaign complete I've mainly been playing the Nazi zombies mode, which is good online aside from the sometimes shoddy servers which crash a little too often. Usually 4 of us can make it up to around level 20-25 depending on the map.
Hokuto no Ken/Last Battle (Mega Drive)
Played through both versions of this horrible game to completion, although I had to have Game Genie codes on to make Kenshiro/Aarzak invulnerable. I'd never gotten far in this before and I wanted to see what the later levels looked like and which characters from the series made it in. I was surprised at how the story for Last Battle was almost identical to the original version, just with a load of name changes. Who knows, maybe one day I'll make a shrine for this terrible masterpiece.
Time Crisis 3 (Arcade)
Now here is a rarity -I played a game in an arcade! I haven't done that for years but in a Warner Village cinema sat a few arcade games. Most were in bad condition (there was an OutRun 2 cabinet with a steering wheel missing) and there was also Time Crisis 3 with messy screens. Screen 1 had weird colours and screen 2 had brightness issues but the latter looked better so I went with that. For the £1 I put into it I managed to get to around the middle of the second level which I thought wasn't bad as I haven't played a lightgun game in ages.
Once I got home, I immediately tried to play the PS2 version only to find out that lightgun games don't work on HD televisions. :(