I try my hardest not to get bad games, but here are some titles that irked me in some way, complete with reasons why:


Normally Half-Life is pretty good, and since the PS2 version was cheap I thought I'd try it just to see if the extras where any good. There is a 2 player only co-op mode which is kind of useless (you can play it by yourself, but you have to press select to swap characters...no thanks) but the big gripe for me is that I got to the end of the game, and then the game glitched and I can't make any further progress at all. And there aren't any level skip cheats either so no luck there. Arghh.


Usually Street Fighter is never bad but this port hasn't been handled well at all. The main feature is that you can play it online -great, apart from that it SUCKS online. The amount of lag is unacceptable and surprising -I would have thought Capcom would have made this work after the mistakes they made with Third Strike and Capcom Vs. SNK 2 on the original Xbox, but obviously not. The controls also aren't responsive enough, with even Ryu and Ken's fireballs being difficult to pull off. Add a poor community to the mix with people constantly dropping out of a game just because they lost and a lot of trash-talking and it makes this version one of the poorest versions of Street Fighter in quite a while. Thankfully, the new SFII HD Remix wasn't quite as bad.


Now, as far as offline multi-player goes, I'm fine playing this. All other modes, however, I have problems with. First of all, why Tecmo made the A.I. so aggressive is beyond me. It had been cheap in previous games but was always beatable, here you'll be using continues constantly just because the CPU can perfectly counter your moves and knows many good combos. And why was there no easy difficulty setting? Normal is what very hard should be to me, I have no idea how bad actually using the very hard setting would be. And then there is the online mode -terrible. As bad as DoA Ultimate's, with matches in slow-motion and unresponsive controls, with your moves often being made a second or two after you do them -not good enough. If they do make a fifth game (I hope they do, because then they should call it Dead or Alive 5 and the title would rhyme) they'd better tone down the difficulty and make an online mode that actually works or I'll just jump ship to Soul Calibur.