Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360)

This game has really annoyed me. The only area it is any good in is offline multi-player, as me and my friends love the tag battle mode. But from a single player point of view, this is pants. The CPU is overly aggressive and whilst the series is well known for having cheap A.I., it is at a new low here, with it countering your moves with what seems to be a 90% success rate -and this is just playing the game on normal! I dread to think what hard is like and very hard doesn't even need to exist as far as I'm concerned. Did I mention that there isn't an easy difficulty setting? Online multi-player is also a waste of time for the most part with games either being full of experts or matches running in slow-motion.

Anyway, I unlocked most of the hidden characters, got a few extra costumes and beat some of the time attack modes. I completed the story mode with every character you can use in it. Most of the endings in this game are just stupid or sleazy.

Halo 3 (Xbox 360)

This just seems to be the same as any other Halo: completely over-rated. Not that it is a terrible game, but just nowhere near as brilliant as most of the world claims it to be. "Game of the Decade", yeah right. I completed the single player mode on the normal difficulty. There wasn't anything that memorable about it and the last section of the last level just seemed to be a remake of the last section of the last level from the first game, only now parts of the floor keep falling away. Big whoop.

I've played it a bit online and it isn't that much different from the second game. It really annoys me how battles often go: you'll duke it out with an opponent and get each other's shields down, but then some other guy will run in and kill you both. Offline multi-player isn't quite as bad for this.

Fatal Fury Special (Xbox 360)

I've done most of the offline achievements for this game, but gotten nowhere with the multi-player ones. Mainly because nobody ever seems to play this online and much more likely because the online mode is a total disaster, with games being a good one or two seconds out of synch with the moves I do on the controller, making this feature completely useless. The 360 pad isn't ideal either with a lot of moves simply not working at the right time. Also sucks they did an update to remove Ryo as a playable character.

Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting (Xbox 360)

Like Fatal Fury Special, this also has a terrible online mode and the amount of people who will drop out of a game early just because they lost is sickening. But I got all the achievements for it so ha. The controls are also rather unresponsive which you just can't be dealing with in a online fight where the differences between doing a hadoken and a dragon punch is a matter of life or death. With such a poor online mode that I don't think I'll bother with again I'll just stick with the Saturn version of this game I have on Capcom Generation 5.

Streets of Rage 2 (Xbox 360)

I did all of the achievements for this game. I really like the fact that you can play a co-op game over Live, as there isn't anything better than clearing out the mean streets of bad city U.S.A. with a buddy after a difficult day at the office!

Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360)

Normally I wouldn't buy a new title on the day of release but the demo for this game impressed me so much I thought I'd get this straight away. And it was certainly worth it. First off, if you are thinking of getting this, you'll definitely need a Xbox Live account as playing multi-player co-op is what this is all about, you'll really be missing out playing it single player. I've played it quite a lot online and destroying thousands of monsters together and working out tactics is tons of fun. I've beaten all of the campaigns on the normal difficulty and gotten a whole heap of achievements. The next thing I'm attempting is beating them all on expert difficulty for the "what are you trying to prove?" achievement.

Sonic 2 (Xbox 360)

I beat this game and got a few of the easier achievements (get one chaos emerald, for example) in the process. I also played it a bit over the net (the vs. race modes now have online options, which is great) although a couple of games suffered from controller delay lag -for example, Sonic would jump 1 second after I pushed the jump button, which doesn't sound like a problem but it really can be. I fell through the floor in Aquatic Ruin zone, which was proper lame and proof that Sonic games have always sucked.

Sonic The Hedgehog (Xbox 360)

Sonic's first outing is probably his best, for this title I've managed to get all of the achievements aside from one: beat the game in under 40 minutes. Freakin' Labyrinth Zone, man.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Xbox 360)

I'm up to the start of the inverted castle in this version. If you want to know something you can laugh at me for, this is the first version of the game that I've ever learnt any of Alucard's spells for (not that you need them) despite having several other versions of this title for about a year now.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (Xbox 360)

The online mode for this mainly sucks, just like Hyper Fighting's. It isn't that people are dropping all the time (although it still happens) but the amount of times it crashes is unacceptable. I did all of the achievements for this game and whilst I like it more than HF for single player and offline multi-player, Capcom really need to rethink the online modes they make for their games as they always seem to be terrible.