Resident Evil Deadly Silence (DS)

According to my save files on this, I hadn't played this game since November last year. So I was quite chuffed with myself when I completed it as Jill on the classic mode with no saves. This was also the first time I've done a no save run on the original game, I believe. I was also pleased with my completion time (2 hours 1 minute) although I did use the rocket launcher (which I got from completing the game before). I might try the same kind of thing with Chris next. "Masters of Knifing" still sucks though.

Garou Densetsu 2 (PC Engine)

A nice test game for the PC Engine arcade card I bought, this is much better than either the Mega Drive or SNES versions and aside from the load times is near enough the exact same game as on the Neo Geo. I've been trying to beat it on one credit but usually run into trouble with one of the bosses. The characters I've been using the most is Andy as he has a fireball and a dragon punch so he's automatically the best in the game as far as I know.

Hokuto no Ken (PS2)

Still playing it. I've been using some of the other characters I haven't really used yet and trying to get to grips with them, like Jagi and Juda. Heart is kind of cool too but I'm not that great with him, although his fatal K.O. is a super pimp slap which can't really be faulted.