X-Men Vs. Street Fighter was so popular that a toyline was created for it. A range of action figures were made by Toy Biz (a subsidiary of Marvel who suck) and were released in 1996. The toys were released in double packs, with each one containing two characters (one X-Men, one Street Fighter), some accessories and a diorama stand which was based on one of the video game's backgrounds.

Series 1 consisted of four pairs, whilst series 2 consisted of six. Some of the X-Men toys were not actually "new" figures, they had been released before in some X-Men toylines. All of the Street Fighter toys were totally new however.

The complete list of figures are as follows:

Cyclops & M. Bison, Magneto & Ryu, Sabretooth & Ken, Wolverine & Akuma

Apocalypse & Dhalsim, Gambit & Cammy, Juggernaut & Chun Li, Rogue & Zangief, Gambit & Zangief, Juggernaut & Dhalsim

The last two figures of series 2 contained figures with different colored clothing from the usual versions, which was kind of lame. These toys are still available via the likes of eBay and don't seem to be worth that much.