I had the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare branded Xbox One. At the time the only reason I got this was because it was part of a Black Friday sale, plus it had a larger hard drive. I would have gotten the regular, black console otherwise, as I think the branded one looks ugly.

BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend
Video length: 37:56
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough with Lambda. I found this game much easier to beat than the Continuum Shift games, mainly because each character now has unique bosses and none of them are as hard as Hazama.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Another Call of Duty game (I've played through plenty of them -see the PS3 and Xbox 360 pages). This one has nothing to do with the Modern Warfare series, and instead is a stand-alone game set in the future. This means you get to use some new abilities, including boost jumps and stealth camouflage. I'd say difficulty wise it's comparable to Modern Warfare 3 -so nothing too hard.

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round
Video length: 12:18
Game region:
Difficulty level: 1 out of 5

Playthrough with Mai Shiranui, a character who appeared in the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters games. She was added as a DLC guest fighter in 2016. She's got several of her special moves available, including her fan toss, and you can easily use these moves in combos.

I played the arcade mode on normal difficulty. The arcade mode in this game doesn't feature a boss at the end of it, so it's the easiest game to beat in the series so far.

Dead or Alive 6
Video length: 12:24
Game region:
Difficulty level: 1 out of 5

Playthrough with Hitomi, on arcade mode's normal difficulty. Just like with the previous game, arcade mode lacks a boss and the CPU opponents aren't that difficult to beat, especially compared to the early games of the series.

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Video length: 26:08
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough of arcade mode's Extreme Gravity Spaceship course with Cell, Vegeta and Goku Black. The only really difficult part of it is if you want to get an S rank, which I managed to to in this playthrough. The later stages have your opponents doing a lot more damage to you than you do to them, and losing too much health can lower your rank.

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5

This, along with the next few games below, are all included on Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The original Halo is the most difficult game in the series, and having not played it in several years before this playthrough, I was surprised at how badly designed it was in places. The first couple of levels are fine, but the cracks start to show pretty quickly after that. For example "Assault on the Control Room" goes on for way too long, and then to make it worse you practically have to do it again but in reverse in "Two Betrayals", with the added annoyance of the Flood being everywhere. "The Library" is the one level that everyone hates due to its length and copy & paste design.

I think most people only liked this game for the multi-player.

Halo 2: Anniversary
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

I found Halo 2 to be quite a bit better that the first one, and up until the very end it didn't have the problems I had with the original. I know a lot of people hated the fact that you go to play as the Arbiter but I don't see the problem with him, and I like how you can incorporate some stealth tactics with his active camouflage.

However I began to dislike some of the level design choices towards the end of the game, in particular, the level "Gravemind" is far too long. The part where you have to rescue marines feels completely pointless since they tend to all die so quickly once you've saved them.

Halo 3
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

I found this game to be a little easier than the second one, again, it doesn't really get that hard until towards the end. The level I hated the most was "Cortana", simply because of the ridiculous amount of Flood enemies the game keeps throwing at you (kind of glad the Flood have yet to return to the series).

I also didn't like the race to the ship at the end of the game, I take it someone thought copying Halo 1's finale was a good idea, only they decided to make the floor keep dropping, plus the car controls were really inconsistent -sometimes I'd land from a jump fine, other times the car would roll out of control. The amount of times I had to re-start the level due to getting killed during the final stretch was annoying.

Halo 3 ODST
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

This game is available as DLC for the Master Chief Collection. It was originally intended to be DLC for the Xbox 360 version of Halo 3, but then changed to a full retail release, with the Xbox One version it comes full circle. Because of its DLC roots, the campaign for this isn't that long. You get to play as several different characters and witness the events of an ODST squad who have to meet up and fend off the Covenant on Earth during the events of Halo 2.

I thought this game was the easiest one I've played on the collection. You get support from an invincible A.I. squad member in several levels, so that's always useful. I could have done without the boring sections where you have to walk around a mostly empty city looking for objects to trigger the next proper level, though.

Halo 4
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

Halo 4 marks the start of a new trilogy, featuring a new set of enemies. Unfortunately these new enemies can be incredibly irritating to fight, and there aren't actually that many different types of them. The Promethean Knights are capable of deploying little robots that can provide shields for them, meaning combat can go on and on sometimes. I guess overall this isn't quite as hard as the first 3 games, but harder than ODST.

Shout outs to this game having a ton of bugs in it, including this game breaker that wasn't present in the 360 version.

Halo 5: Guardians
Video length: See times on playlist
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Halo 5 is the easiest game in the series I've played so far, for one reason: you get to go through each level with A.I. squad mates who can't die. And even better, what might have been a cheap death in a previous game can be avoided here, as your squad can actually revive you if they make it to you in time when you get knocked down.

The Promethean enemies aren't as annoying this time around either.

Injustice 2
Video length: 27:38
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough of the battle simulator's advanced course with Supergirl. This game is a bit easier than the first one, the only difficult part is the boss, and even then it's only because his attacks do so much damage, his AI isn't that cheap. For some reason the music during the credits sequence didn't play.

Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Video length: 29:20
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough of the battle simulator's advanced course with Batman. This is basically the same as the game above, but now the credits music is fixed.

Killer Instinct
Video length: 34:34
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough of story mode with Jago, using his classic outfit. I couldn't get into the old Killer Instinct games, however this one has clearly been made much easier for beginners. It's really easy to do combos now, if you ever struggled before you should be able to pull off ultra combos no problem.

Shoutouts to the 15 minute long credits sequence. And to top it off, I happened to record a glitch -watch how Eagle gets locked into place, whilst Cinder just sits there and does nothing.

Mortal Kombat X
Video length: 28:35
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough of the klassic tower with Sub-Zero. Out of all the Mortal Kombat games I've played, this is the easiest one -the CPU is a bit more forgiving than in the previous game. The only difficult opponent is Corrupted Shinnok, but even he can be easy sometimes. What you need to try and do is trap him in the corner and then spam short combos on him, he usually fails to block when he gets up from being knocked down, so you can just repeat this. Things didn't really go to plan on this playthrough though.

Mortal Kombat XL
Video length: 28:56
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough of the klassic tower with Cassie Cage. Mortal Kombat XL was a free update to the original, the update adds some new features such as the return of stage fatalities. However the klassic tower is the same as before, with the same boss, so trying to trap him in the corner and spamming short combos over and over still works.

Mortal Kombat 11
Video length: 32:24
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough of the klassic tower with Shao Kahn. Kahn is a free bonus character for anyone who pre-ordered the game, and has lots of combos involving using his hammer. The difficulty of this game is comparable to the previous one, with the final boss being a little harder this time. Her name's Kronika and she can manipulate time itself, so it can get a bit confusing to what exactly is going on during the fight.

Street Fighter
Video length: 14:40
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

This version, along with the other Street Fighter games listed below, is included on the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. The original Street Fighter is a bad game, the strategy is always the same for every fight: mash on the controller as much as possible and hope your special moves work. The standard punches and kicks are completely pointless, whilst the special moves do huge amounts of damage -it's possible to 1 hit k.o. opponents with the dragon punch. However the amount of damage opponent's moves do is also ridiculous, Sagat's tiger shot in particular.

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
Video length: 21:27
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Chun-Li. The first version of Street Fighter II features some slightly easier A.I. which tends to not block as much, and it's really easy to dizzy in this game. So a simple dizzy combo you can do with Chun-Li is to jump in with a strong punch, then follow it up with two crouching strong punches. If this dizzys the opponent, you can either repeat the combo or do a throw to do huge amounts of damage. The four bosses are harder as they have some advantages they'd lose in later installments, such as their jumping attacks, and Bison's scissors kick can be difficult to block . Sometimes using the spinning bird kick is an easy way to land several hits and cause a dizzy.

Street Fighter II' Champion Edition
Video length: 25:45
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough with Blanka. Champion Edition is one of the easiest games in the series, and with Blanka you can spam his electricity attack a lot. Even if the opponent blocks it, it can still do some decent chip damage and it also makes the car bonus stage really easy. The bosses are easier than they were in World Warrior as well.

Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting
Video length: 21:19
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

Playthrough with Sagat. I've always found this version to be pretty hard to get through, which is mainly because of the faster game speed, which I don't like. The CPU difficulty was also increased, with certain characters being a lot harder to beat than before. Throwing out tiger shots and then tiger uppercutting opponents when they jump is a fairly good strategy to win with Sagat though.

Street Fighter III: New Generation
Video length: 17:19
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough with Ibuki. New Generation is the only game in the SFIII series to not feature any hidden bosses to fight, and there are only 7 opponents to beat in arcade mode, making it the easiest game in the series. Gill is still very tough however, what I found is that if you keep backing away from him, he often uses his dash move on you. If you block this you can throw him and then repeat this to win.

Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact
Video length: 22:46
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Hugo. The only tricky part of this game is if you want to fight Akuma -you've got to get at least two perfect wins without losing any rounds, and the CPU often seems to want to prevent you from getting any, even in the early fights. Not that it's the difficult to beat early on, it's just opponents often throw out a jab just to take a tiny bit of health off you.

Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Video length: 25:35
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Alex. When I first tried to beat this game, I used his boomerang raid super art, but I couldn't beat Gill. I had to change to his third super art and managed to beat it, but the Gill fight was still very tough. I also got to fight Q, who's a hidden challenger you can fight.

Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams
Video length: 20:04
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough with Sodom. I used a cheat to fight Akuma at the start of the game, because if you beat him at the end, you don't get to see your character's ending. Akuma is the most difficult opponent in the game, but he's easy to beat with Sodom, since you can just keep using his slide (down + roundhouse kick) to go under his fireballs.

Street Fighter Alpha 2
Video length: 20:04
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

Playthrough with Ken. This game would probably be the easiest in the series if it wasn't for one thing: Shin Akuma. He's a hidden boss you can fight and is very overpowered. It's like Capcom was trolling players by including him, as almost all the other opponents are push-overs, but then Shin Akuma appears and can crush you in seconds. You've really got to be patient when fighting him as he'll punish any mistake you do instantly.

Street Fighter Alpha 3
Video length: 22:11
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Cammy, using the X-Ism gameplay mode. X-Ism doesn't let you block in the air and only lets you use one super combo, but it's main advantage is the large amounts of damage your attacks do. The CPU in this one is kind of obnoxious (especially as the non-Japanese versions were made harder) but really the only opponent to watch out for is M. Bison. And even then, you just need to make sure you block his super psycho crusher, that's his most dangerous attack.

Streets of Rage
Video length: 58:28
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Adam and Axel. This version is on the SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection. This version plays ok, but has some very noticeable sound issues, as you'll hear at around the 40 and 50 minute marks. The Xbox One version of the collection also has an issue with the intro sequence's music stuttering and going out of sync, as seen 16 seconds in.

Streets of Rage 2
Video length: 54:32
Game region:
Difficulty level: 2 out of 5

Playthrough with Skate and Axel, using the version included on SEGA Mega Drive Classics. I used Skate, since I've never used him that much in this game before. His basic combo is really weak, but he has some good throws, plus he's the only character in the game who can run.

Streets of Rage 3
Video length: 1:16:44
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

Playthrough with Axel, then Shiva. In a rarity for me, I used a continue. The reason for this is because to play as Shiva, you have to beat him at the end of the first level, then hold down the B button. When the next level starts, lose all your lives, and then continue. When you do, Shiva will be on the character select.

This version of the game is notoriously difficult, and is much harder than the Japanese version. However, with Shiva, it becomes a piece of cake to beat -whilst Shiva can't use weapons, all of his regular attacks are great, and his back attack can be used as an infinite combo on the majority of the enemies.

This version is on the SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection. The sound issues on this one are really bad, in this playthrough things sound off during the fight against the 2nd Yamato, and especially halfway through the final level.

Streets of Rage 4
Video length: 1:48:15
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough of arcade mode with Blaze. When SoR 4 was announced, I was put off by the art style, and I also didn't like the look of the juggle combos. And then when it was released I read some people thought it didn't play like a SoR game at all. And the Xbone version cost more than any of the others for no good reason.

I eventually did get the game, and like I said, I really wish I'd bought this when it first came out. The art style is fine, and the combos aren't as juggle heavy as I thought they'd be. It didn't take me long to adjust to the combo system at all. And as far as I'm concerned, this plays like a SoR game to me. I don't really care about new games much at all, but this one is a definite exception -it's great!

The arcade mode has you start with a few lives, and you can't use any continues. I know some people think this game is hard, but personally I think it's pretty easy -I'm someone who managed to beat Streets of Rage 3 on one credit though so maybe that's why. As long as you're careful around the invincibility time some enemies and bosses have, it's not that hard to get through the game. It's quite a long game to get through in one sitting though, compared to any of the other games.

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
Video length: 27:06
Game region:
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5

Playthrough with M. Bison. First things first: they screwed up the default difficulty for this version. On the arcade version it's only 2, for some reason it was increased to 5 (!) here. This makes what's usually an easy game much more difficult, the CPU tends to block everything you throw at it. The other problem is that you moves do little damage, but the CPU's moves do loads. I was hoping to use Cammy or Fei Long for this but had to give up and use Bison. Spamming psycho crusher helped a lot.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Video length: 20:47
Game region:
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5

Playthrough with Ken. This game is notorious for its insane difficulty level, the CPU makes the game practically unplayable in the single player mode. Then toss in the increased speed setting and you've got a nightmare of a playthrough, especially if get Akuma to appear (which I did).

If you pick Ken you can get through the majority of the game with the following three moves: his standing roundhouse kick, his jab dragon punch and his super combo. See the description for more details.

Tekken 7
Video length: 21:41
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Geese. Geese is a guest DLC character and obviously is ideal for people like me who've never played Tekken, since he has projectile moves. My understanding is that this is the easiest Tekken game so far, since the arcade mode only has five opponents. I also fight Akuma as a secret boss, to get him to appear you need to play through the game and get at least one perfect victory.

Virtua Fighter 2 Genesis
Video length: 13:44
Game region:
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5

Playthrough with Pai, using the version of the game included on the SEGA Mega Drive Classics collection. This version is nowhere near as difficult as its arcade counterpart, but the CPU still gets annoying towards the end. Using Pai's throws helps a lot.

The Xbox One version of this collection has a problem where the intro goes out of sync, and all of the games have sound emulation issues. Character speech can get really awful, as seen in this playthrough.