The Mega Drive Flashback was released in 2018 by AtGames. AtGames have released many Mega Drive mini consoles before which had horrible sound emulation, the music sounds considerably better on the Flashback. However, the Flashback still have numerous issues, such as the games running poorly -the Sonic games run at a lower framerate than they should, resulting in choppy gameplay. The wireless controllers also have problems where they drop inputs, you can use original Mega Drive/Genesis controllers with it which is the preferable thing to do.
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Video length: 8:41 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5
Playthrough of arcade mode. This game has no ending so it's just a case of surviving for as long as possible, which is easier said then done. |
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Video length: 19:39 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
Playthrough with Scorpion. I usually play on the default difficulty, which in this port is easy, but I changed it to normal. There isn't much of a difference between easy and normal from what I can tell. One thing I can tell is that it was made easier than the arcade version, the endurance rounds are still a pain, but Goro and Shang Tsung are easier to beat. MK on the Genesis is a great port -the most famous thing about it is that it had a code to turn on the blood and uncensor several of the fatalities, and the controls are vastly superior than the SNES version. Scorpion's fatality isn't censored with the blood code off -even though he sets his opponent on fire and reduces them to a skeleton. I guess as there's no blood that make it ok? |
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Video length: 22:10 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
Playthrough with Sub-Zero. As most people know, this is one of the hardest fighting games ever made, and it's great how the default difficulty for the Mega Drive version is very easy -the devs knew it was way too hard. Even on very easy it's still difficult, but I upped it to normal. The way to beat this game with Sub-Zero is to abuse a flaw with the A.I., all you need to do is let them get close, then jump back. This will usually make them jump towards you, so you can do a high or roundhouse kick, then repeat. If your opponent doesn't fall for this, keep using sweeps -sometimes they'll allow themselves to get hit by the sweep a few times in a row, or they'll jump back, at which point you can try the jump back strat again. If you are trapped in the corner, just crouch and wait, the CPU will always throw you, so you can move back. Kintaro seems easier to defeat in this port. Jump kicks are the main method of taking him down, but he doesn't seem to use hIs throw as much in the arcade version. You can often risk freezing him, as he never seems to use his projectile that much either. The final boss can be beaten just be standing in place and making well-timed low kicks for the entire round. I got to fight Jade in a secret boss fight. To get her to appear, you need to win a round with low kick attacks only, on the stage before the ? box. Doing this will send you to Goro's Lair... or it would do, if Goro's Lair was in the Genesis version. Due to memory constraints, Goro's Lair was cut from this port, and replaced with a recolored version of the portal stage. Jade is very fast and can't be hit with projectiles, the jump back strat still works but you have to take extra care with the timing, as she moves so quickly she can easily throw you before you can jump. I had a problem with the controls on the Flashback version. If you use an original Mega Drive controller, it doesn't seem possible to press three buttons or more at the same time. This means I couldn't do the dead pool stage fatality, or use Sub-Zero's slide. |
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Video length: 17:02 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
Playthrough with Cyrax. This game is way too hard, the CPU goes absolutely ballistic after the first few opponents. When the round starts, just block, usually the opponent will always run towards you at 100 miles per hour and combo you, block it then try to catch them with the net. If they get hit by the net, follow it up with a combo, then move close. Then net, combo, repeat. The CPU will always get hit by the net if done at point blank range. As with the arcade version, Cyrax's net can sometimes glitch. If you try and uppercut a netted opponent, sometimes the uppercut will miss for no reason. Combos will sometimes not work correctly either, both things are extremely annoying due to how it can give the CPU a massive advantage. Motaro isn't too hard to beat, if he jumps in, do a neutral jump, then as you land combo him and repeat. Motaro's grab move is glitched in this port, as he can grab you whilst you're in the air. Shao Kahn is completely over-powered in this game, just look at what happens in the second round -I was holding block the entire time, and because all of his moves cause you to stagger back even if you block, I couldn't do anything and he could just keep attacking. They did not given any of Kahn's moves anywhere near enough recovery frames in MK3. The general plan to beat him is to hit him with a net, uppercut him, then run in and do Cyrax's biggest combo, then repeat. Do not try to combo Kahn if he's in the corner -the combo never seems to connect properly. |
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Video length: 55:37 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 5 out of 5
Playthrough of the version included on the SEGA Mega Drive Flashback. Performance wise, Shinobi III is one of the worst games on the Flashback, as in addition to the framerate issues it also suffers from a lot of slow down, making it more difficult to time jumps. I was amazed I only died once in this playthrough, and even more astounded that I didn't die in the Traps level. The one death I had was due to the controls not responding (more on that below) so I made a savestate at 45:41 -if the games was going to screw me over then I was totally up for save state spamming my way through the rest of the game. Thankfully I didn't have to do that. |
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Video length: 58:23 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
Playthrough with Knuckles. I died once during the last boss because when I was recording this the postman came to deliver something and needed a signature. |
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Video length: 52:36 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
I used one of the wireless controllers for this playthrough, boy was that a mistake. The controllers have issues, eg if you are holding down right and let go, the controllers acts if right is still being held down. That makes games like this a lot tougher than they should be and even got me killed once. If you do buy one of these consoles, do not use the controllers it comes with. |
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Video length: 59:47 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 4 out of 5
The controller issues thankfully didn't happen in this playthrough, although I did make a save state right before the final boss just in case they did. |
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Video length: 10:29 |
Game region: ![]() |
Difficulty level: 3 out of 5
Playthrough with Lau. This game is very easy to beat, the best way to defeat each opponent is to lure them towards the edge of the ring, then throw them. If this doesn't ring them out, just try doing a combo to push them out, even if they block it they'll still end up falling out. |