Start moving left and you'll soon come across a bridge. There's not much going on here apart from there being a couple of candles to whip, keep going and you'll arrive at another bridge. This one is more of the same, but it does have a couple of undermoles guarding it. Get across this bridge and go through the door.
This next room lets you take a higher or lower route. There are spikes on the ceiling to look out for if you go up, whilst the lower route has a bottomless pit to jump over. There are also a couple of vampire bats in this room. Get to the far left and then go down the rope. In the next room, you'll have to go right and go down a rope which is placed over a bottomless pit, so once you've got enough space, jump off it and head left.
Eventually you'll get to another area where you have a choice of taking a higher or lower route. The lower route is guarded by several punaguchis, whilst the upper route has a lot of big eyes on it. If you kill these with the whip whilst they're on a bridge, they'll destroy part of the bridge they were on, so you may want to jump over them instead. Anyway, you'll eventually get to a rope on the left, go up it and you'll arrive in a small room with two vampire bats in it. Kill them and head up the rope to the right, then head through the door on the left.
After going through the door, drop down and look at the ropes above. Grab the one on the far left and work your way up and to the right. There's a new enemy here: a rope skeleton. These skeletons can jump from rope to rope and will throw bones at you, so try using a subweapon to take them out at a distance. One you get to the top of the first set of ropes there's a single vampire bat to kill. Grab the rope on the far right and go up.
The next section has more ropes you'll have to use to make your way upwards. There are a couple of rope skeletons around this area. Eventually you'll find a new enemy: a big bat. They act like the smaller ones but since they're bigger they've got a better chance of hitting you. Also, if you hit them with a low-level whip, they'll break into two smaller vampire bats, so be careful when you attack them. After you've killed the first one, keep going up and to the left, where another big bat is hanging around. Kill it and then head up the rope.
In the next room, there are two octos hiding in the ceiling, who'll fly down and move towards you. Kill them and then head up the rope at the right, before going through the door in the upper left corner. You'll then be back outside, where you can either take a lower route or an upper route. The lower route has a few jumps over bottomless pits and several mud men enemies stomping around, and takes place in thick moss which will slow down you movements. The upper route is on a bridge, where lots of big eyes will appear. You can destroy these, but doing so with the whip will destroy the part of the bridge they were on. So either jump over them or the gaps they create. At the far left there's a rope, go down it.
Drop off the rope and you'll be on another bridge. It can be difficult to avoid jumping into the spikes whilst trying to avoid the big eyes, so you may want to take the lower route, which has a few punaguchis guarding it. If you manage to stay on the bridge, you'll need to destroy a rolling eye with the whip to create a gap in the bridge, so you can drop down and get on the rope in the bottom right corner. There's not much to do in the next room, so head through the door on the left.
This next room presents a new enemy: spiders. These will wait a few seconds before lowering themselves down via using their webs, before going back up and firing a small projectile at you. You'll want to use their webs to get across this room safely, and if you kill them their webs will still stay on the screen. The first half of this room has a few jumps you can make instead of using their webs, however the second half will require you to use their webs to get across the large bottomless pit. Make your way across and then go through the door on the left. In the next room, there are three ropes and lots of big eyes. Try and time your drop so you don't get hit, then use the rope on the far left to drop down.
In the next room there are more big eyes, again, you'll need to time your drop to avoid getting hit. Make your way to the right and jump over the put, and watch out for the single punaguchi waiting on the other side. Head right and drop down, and keep going right, walking under the spikes.
Eventually you'll arrive in a room with two large minotaur statues in it. These are Kumulo and Nimbler, the Lords of the Plant Castle. Collect the crystal and the statues will come to life, and the small platform in the middle of the room will start moving up and down. The only place you can hit Kumulo and Nimbler are on their heads, so you'll need to use the platform to attack them. They have two forms of attack: the first is where they will slam their tridents into the ground, so don't hand around underneath either of them for too long.
Their other attack is a triple fireball blast, which they will use after slamming their tridents. It's possible to destroy these fireballs with a well timed whip strike, otherwise just try to move or jump out of the way. Kumulo and Nimbler will keep moving back and towards you throughout the battle, if they move away you can only hit them with a subweapon or the whip's fireball, if you've got it. Be careful not to fall down the middle of the arena either, since it's a bottomless pit. It doesn't matter which one of the statues you hit, as once one is destroyed, the other one will immediately die as well. The heads of Kumulo and Nimbler will break apart and the statues will crash into the floor.