Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge -known as Dracula Densetsu II in Japan -was released in 1991 for the Game Boy. In the two years that had passed since the first Game Boy Castlevania game had been released, it seems Konami really got their act together for the sequel, as it fixes all of the original's issues. Packing in more levels and enemies, fairer gameplay and several new features, Belmont's Revenge is one of the Game Boy's best games. Some of the improvements include Christopher being able to move faster, and he can now attack whilst hanging from a rope. Subweapons, which were featured in the NES games, now make their first appearance on the Game Boy, giving you more offensive options than before.

The levels were made larger, and a couple have multiple routes -I wish they'd added more of these, as the only notable paths split is in the Crystal Castle. A password system was added, allowing players to select a level they'd gotten to and not have to start from the beginning every time they turned the game on. Another first was the addition of some cutscenes -there are only a couple of them but they're still nice to have.

Despite the game being held in high regard by fans, Konami never did much with it for a long time -it got a re-release as part of a couple of Game Boy collections in Japan and Europe in the late '90s, but that was it. However, in 2019, the game is set to finally go HD for the first time when it will be made available on the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, which is set to be released for PC, Playstation 4, Switch and Xbox One.