This opening section is essentially over one giant bottomless pit, so you'll have to make a lot of jumps from platform to platform. The first enemy you'll find is an evil knight, kill him and head right, using some floating platforms to progress. The large platform next to these has a Zeldo on it, after he's dead there are a couple of ravens nearby. Kill them and head right, and quickly get across the gap by using the breaking platforms.
There are a couple of more platforms to use to get to where the first door is, go through it to enter a small room. In here, grab the rope and head up. The next room has two punaguchis in it, who are waiting on floating platforms. Kill the first one and then jump across to the middle platform to take on the second. Once it's dead, grab onto the rope in the top left and move up...
...where you'll be in a room with a Zeldo in it, along with a lot of spikes and a single floating platform. Jump on the floating platform, then avoid the Zeldo's attack, then move in and kill him. Then use the rope at the top right to exit this room. In the next room, there is a large spike trap, but don't destroy it -instead, jump onto the gap and crouch to avoid taking any damage from the trap, then once it raised, jump over the ledge and duck in the next gap. Wait for the trap to lower and rise, then use it as a platform to get onto the rope in the top left corner. The next room has a similar set up to the previous one, but this time you will need to get onto the spike trap and destroy it, and then use it as a platform to be able to get on the ledge on the left. From here, jump onto the rope and head into the next room.
In this room, kill the knight and then use the floating platform to get to the rope in the upper right corner. Climb up and enter a room with a Zeldo in it. Kill him, then get on the first floating platform. You'll need to jump onto the breaking platform, and then from there quickly jump onto the next floating platform. From here you can jump over to the ledge where the door is, and go through it. After going through the door, there are two floating platforms to jump across to get access to the rope on the right, but watch out for the vampire bat.
Head up the rope to enter a tall room filled with pulleys. Kill the vampire bat and evil knight you first see, then start making your way up the pulleys. The only other enemies in this room are a few evil knights, but the main danger here is letting yourself fall into the pulley mechanisms or the spikes, either of which do a lot of damage.
Keep going up and eventually you'll see a rope in the upper left corner, get onto it and climb up into the next room. Here you'll find a Zeldo and a vampire bat, try to kill the Zeldo at a distance if you can as the vampire bat can be annoying to deal with. Once all of the enemies are dead, jump onto the rope on the right and then get onto the floating platform. Let it carry you across to the left, then use the rope in the upper left to exit the room. The next room has a vampire bat and a punaguchi in it, kill them both first before using the floating platform to get to the right ledge. Once on it, go through the door.
After going through the door, jump on the floating platform and kill the evil knight at a distance. Then jump across and kill the raven that's waiting near the top, before jumping onto another floating platform. This will take you to where three breakable platforms are, quickly jump across these to get to another floating platform.
Jump across to the larger platform and kill the Zeldo who's waiting on it. Head right to find a couple of spiders -let them lower themselves on their webs before killing them, as you'll need to use their webs as ropes to get across. Head right and jump across a couple of platforms, killing the raven and evil knight waiting for you.
Once the evil knight is dead, head right and you'll have another small section where you'll have to kill some spiders, again using their webs as ropes to progress. After that, kill the two punaguchis and then head through the final door in the game.
In the next room, keep heading right. There are no enemies here, so collect all the items you can get and then head into a small arena. Collect the crystal to have Soleiyu Belmont suddenly appear!
As soon as the battle starts, Soleiyu will throw three swords up into the air. These will spin in place for a few seconds, before diving down towards you. You can't destroy them so you've got to get out of the way. However, Soleiyu will be on the move, and he'll try and hit you with his own whip. Make good use of the two small platforms to get out of Soleiyu's way. You can also set traps for him to walk into if you have the holy water, by throwing one at one of the smaller platforms and then letting him jump into it.
The main thing to be aware of is where Soleiyu is, as you don't want him trapping you in a corner (even just touching him will damage you). Make good use of the subweapons in this fight as they're easier to hit Soleiyu with than the whip. Keep hitting Soleiyu until he falls.