Start moving left and you'll find some pools of water. You can move through it quickly or slowly depending on which way the current is going -the small states at either end of the pool will have flashing eyes just before the current changes. Get out of the first water pool and you'll find the first enemy: a raven. The ravens will try and crash into you but aren't very fast, so try and whip them as they dive at you. After the crow there is a section with some floating platforms which will break if you stand of them for too long -they will crack around three times before breaking so make sure to jump across before they do.
After the breaking platforms you'll come across a rope, jump onto it and head up. If you want the axe subweapon, head down and whip the candle to find it, then head back up. In this next room are two new enemies: bats and an evil knight. The bats won't move until you get close, at which point they'll slowly fly towards you. The evil knights don't really do much other than walk slowly at you, but they take a few hits to kill. Head to the right of the room, and move up the rope. You can then jump on a small moving platform and take the knight out without having to get that close.
Exit the room through the door at the upper left. Outside, you can take an upper path or drop down through the gap, the upper path is easier but the lower path has an axe subweapon to find if you want it. Eventually the alternate paths will unit and you'll have to fight another knight to progress.
You'll find another new enemy in this area: fishmen. These guys will hide in the water and then leap out to where you are once they've gotten close enough. They'll then slowly move towards you, if you don't kill them they'll fire off a small projectile. They only take one hit to kill so it's best to take them out as soon as possible. Head to the left and you'll find another breaking platform, jump on it and then quickly jump off and grab the rope, letting you move up. This next room contains yet another new enemy: a punaguchi. These things don't move, but they can spit out a projectile which not only hurts you, it also downgrades the power of your whip. However their projectile is slow and can be destroyed. Kill the punaguchi (these enemies take a few hits) and then move up and to the left. There's a hidden extra life in the ceiling before the door, collect it and then go through.
In the next room you'll come across a never-ending set of big eyes, take one of them out and then quickly move to the left and head down the longest rope. You'll then be in a room which has a wall of spikes heading right towards you -hold down and the jump button to slide down the rope and avoid taking any damage. You'll fall into another room with another spike wall on it, time your jump so you can quickly get on and off the rope before the spikes hit you. Then just the rope in the bottom left corner to proceed.
The next room has another moving spike wall, only this one is really large. Move down the rope and jump into the passages when needed to avoid taking any damage. Once you reach the bottom of the rope you'll fall into the next room, make your way up the steps and take out the big eyes that get in the way. You'll then have to head through another door and will come across a rope where you can move up or down. This is another section where you have a choice of which route to take: