Transformers: Zone is the final installment of the animated Generation 1 franchise. An original video animation which was released in in Japan in 1990, Zone picks up where Victory ended, and brings new and old characters together as the Cybertrons and Destrons fight over a new, powerful energy source.
Zone certainly delivers on action -there are a couple of big battle scenes, and the animation is beautiful. This is easily the best looking episode of Transformers. I also like how the Destrons consist of older characters, but given new, sleek designs. The plot is once again about the Destrons stealing energy, but at least it works a little differently from previous series of Transformers. The Zodiac energy has a more mythical element to it, as it is mentioned how it can create universes.
But one fault of Zone is that we don't get to learn much about the new characters other than Sonic Bomber is the cocky one. Presumably (hopefully) more episodes would have seen some character development, but we'll never know.
And that is the biggest fault of Zone: the fact it was never finished, leaving lots of unanswered questions about the series. The story of Zone was continued in story pages released in TV Magazine, but if more actual animated episodes were made, would they have followed the same story? Would the likes of Metrotitan and Roadfire appear in the series? It is a shame that the last Generation 1 animation never got a chance to actually finish. It is worth watching, but most fans will want to see more of it -something which isn't possible.