In the first match of the Dark Tournament's final round, Karasu, through the manipulation of invisible bombs, mounted an illusive attack. Kurama was facing a difficult battle, until the previous world's fruits, an item of darkness that he had taken before the match, took effect just in the nick of time during one of the blasts, and he transformed into his fox demon form! And now, the true powers of both men are about to collide!

The Desperate Kurama!
A Final Measure

Karasu sends out numerous trace eye bombs, which surround Kurama. But Kurama unleashes a burst of energy, which destroys them all. Out of the smoke comes a large demon plant.

Kurama says that the ojigi weed of the Demon Realm is rather aggressive, as it goes after anything that moves or is laden with flammables on its own. It appears that the plant considers Karasu to be its enemy. The plant then starts attacking Karasu, forcing him to leap around the ring to avoid being eaten. Koto comments that, in a complete reversal of offensive and defensive positions, Karasu now finds himself in a great pinch.

Kuwabara and Yusuke think Kurama is going to let have Karasu have it with this. But Karasu creates a grenade, and throws it at the plant. It explodes and destroys part of the plant...

...but the rest of it keeps attacking. He uses another grenade to destroy another part of it, but Kurama tells him these things do have feelings, so it's bad for him to make the plant angry.

Karasu sees a branch heading right for him, as Kurama tells him his attacks have caused an adverse reaction: "bang". The plant grabs a hold of Karasu...

...and lifts him high into the air. More branches surround him and completely close him up, as his masks pops off. Kurama is disappointed, as he wanted to toy with Karasu for another few minutes. Koto comments that they've suddenly reached a conclusion, now that Kurama has transformed.

Kuwabara cheers for Kurama, as that didn't even take 15 minutes -he defeated him in less than 5! Yusuke thinks that's one win, whilst Koenma is surprised at Yoko Kurama's incredible strength. So much so his head changes back to his baby version. Jorge yells at him about what's happened, so Koenma quickly changes his head...

...back to his older self. Keiko and the others are happy that Kurama has won, whilst Juri is just in complete shock over what just happened. Kurama starts to leave the ring.

Koto tells Juri to do her job. Juri snaps out of it and says that, as Karasu is unable to continue fighting, Kurama is the victor. However, the plant then starts to move, and the part containing Karasu moves downwards.

It then lights up and explodes, revealing that Karasu has survived. Karasu asks who is calling him incapable of fighting?

Juri says she was mistaken, and the match can continue. Karasu says he's taken a liking to Kurama, and now he wants to kill him even more. The Toguro brothers say it's trouble when Karasu's mask comes off, and the younger Toguro tells Sakyo to stand behind him.

Karasu uses a technique which changes his hair color from black to yellow, and a green aura surrounds him. Koto comments that she can tell that Karasu's demon energy is growing to be even more powerful. Hiei says that Karasu is gathering flammable material into his body through his mouth, as if he's turning his entire body in an explosive. He tells everyone to prepare themselves, or they'll get caught in the middle of it.

Karasu tells Kurama to die, and then surrounds his entire body with energy. Younger Toguro says it doesn't look like Karasu is going to hold back, and tells Sakyo to stand back a bit further. Karasu leaps high up...

...and looks down on the ring below. He starts laughing, and then charges downwards, hitting Kurama head on. There is then a massive explosion, which destroys a good chunk of the stadium.

Several hundred spectators are killed, but Keiko and the others are ok -they are at the opposite side of the stadium. Yusuke gets up and asks if everyone is alright.

The rest of the team get up, but they then wonder what happened to Kurama. Koto comments that she can't see Kurama, and asks if he was blown away in the explosion. Karasu reveals he's ok, and stands in the ring laughing.

However Kurama then pulls himself out of some rubble. Koto says Kurama is still alive, but he's no longer in his demon fox form. And it also looks like he's taken considerable damage from the explosion.

Kuwabara doesn't understand how this has happened, as Kurama was supposed to be able to stay transformed for 15 minutes. As Kurama gets up, he thinks he should have had more time. But he then thinks that, because he tried it out several times before, the effects of the previous world's fruits must have started to wear off faster. Karasu comes over and tells him it's time he said his prayers.

Kurama pulls out a rose, but when he tries to change it into a rose whip, it fails -the rose explodes. Karasu tells him that he doesn't have even enough demon energy left to make a plant into a weapon.

He bets Kurama can't see his demon energy any more, either. He tells him to say he gives up -if he does this, he'll kill him in a way which won't make him suffer. Kurama says nothing but instead charges back onto the ring, and starts attacking Karasu with punches and kicks.

Karasu evades his moves, but Kurama keeps at him. Koto comments that this is the first time Kurama has used such attacks during this tournament, but Karasu keeps dodging everything. Hiei believes that Kurama has something planned.

As Kurama continues to attack, Karasu asks him if he's lost his mind -coming this close to him is suicidal! As he begins to create an explosive, Kurama says that if he can't see his demon energy, then it's all the same no matter where he is. Karasu throws an explosive blast which Kurama jumps over. Kurama then lands a twin palm strike on Karasu.

Karasu gets pushed back, and says that was a good strike. But he knows what Kurama was trying to do, and pulls out a seed that had been implanted in his chest. He says such things won't work against him. The Urameshi team see that fist fighting against Karasu is no good, and the guy can even read attacks that use plants. Koenma asks if there's anything left that Kurama can try.

Karasu commends Kurama for managing to injure him twice, and then destroys the seed. Something then bursts out of the ground, and clamps onto Kurama's leg. Karasu says this is his underground explosive, the muddy bomb.

(Muddy Bomb)

The bomb explodes, causing an injury to Kurama's leg and knocking him down. As Kurama gets up, he sees that he is totally surrounded by explosives.

Karasu tells him it must be taking him everything he's got just to stand up. He starts walking forward, and tells Kurama that he can't call on any Demon Realm plants now, nor can he turn a plant into a weapon. He says he could blow him to bits easily, but he won't. He instead decides to torture him slowly, and starts having the explosives hit Kurama one at a time. Keiko can't watch any more, whilst Shizuru says Karasu is so cruel to not finish Kurama off now.

Botan says Kurama hasn't lost yet, and believes there's no way he'll be done in. Sakyo asks if it's over yet, and younger Toguro explains that Karasu is enjoying this fight. Sakyo decides to just keep watching. Karasu tells Kurama that he's done well to put him through this much trouble. He wishes he could place him at his side forever, and as a reward, he's decided to leave his beautiful face as it is.

As Kurama gets up, he thinks that Karasu hasn't realized it yet. The place Karasu's chest is bleeding is over his heart, so now all he has to do is summon a bloodsucking plant that loves demon blood. He thinks that Karasu is wrong, as he can still summon Demon Realm plants... in exchange for his life. Karasu then says it's time to move things along.

Kurama is hit with more explosives, and falls down. As most of the spectators go wild, the Urameshi team can only watch on in horror.

The spectators yell for Karasu to kill Kurama, and begin to get rowdy. Two of them start heckling Koto, so she tells Juri to please start the count. Juri runs over and starts counting.

As Juri reaches six on her count, Kurama starts to get up. He thinks he'll use all of his remaining power, as a last resort. Karasu says he needs no count, as this is about who lives and who dies. As goes for a final strike, Kurama thinks Karasu shall die with him.

Kurama unleashes a large Demon Realm plant, which breaks through Karasu's attack and impales him through his heart. The plant starts draining him of his blood.

Karasu doesn't understand how Kurama was able to summon this, but he falls over and dies seconds later. Kurama is also down, seemingly dead.

Yukina thinks Kurama may have died, but Botan is sure that can't be true. Shizuru says it looked as if Kurama exerted the last of his power. But Kurama then starts to get up, and is surprised that he's still alive himself. He thinks that, without him realizing it, his power has been increasing. It must have been the effect of the previous world's fruits -its effect hadn't gotten weaker on him, rather, the power of his demon fox form is returning to Shuichi's body.

Yusuke says that's a real come-from-behind win, and Kuwabara says Kurama has won it. Juri seems to have something to say about it, but can't get her words out just yet. Kurama staked his life on a suicidal strategy, but the final round has only just begun.


(Kuwabara is speaking)

What's this Hiei, You're going to go next? You've still got that overgrown, self-confident attitude, don't you? Even so, that armor that Bui is wearing is nothing ordinary! Your smart-mouth cracks aren't going to work on it, you know! Look, I'll be happy to at least gather up yours bones afterward, ha ha! Next time: Intimidation! Bui Removes his Armor. Ow! You didn't have to hit me, you know.

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