These storyboards can be seen in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive.

The first shot above was cut from the movie. The second shot is in the movie, but when it's shown, the slit is already fully open, you don't see it open up at all. However, the "mouth" is seen opening up when this shot is shown in the promotional trailer.

The helicopters seen above the city here are not mentioned on the storyboard. Perhaps it was to make up for...

...the loss of this shot, which was cut.

In the movie, this shot has a couple of Lithonian kids run by. They aren't mentioned on the storyboard. The stubby little robot on the left of the storyboard is not seen in the movie.

These shots were cut. They were supposed to take place right after the glass bottles fall over.

This shot is in the movie, but it was changed. The object that falls appears to be some kind of large machine rather than a bottle. Only one Lithonian is present in the shot, and he doesn't appear to be Kranix, Arblus or the scientist.

In the movie, there is no red light during this shot. The biggest difference though is that Unicron does not appear on the storyboard for this shot, but does in the finished film. It seems his addition may have been a last minute rush job, as there's a famous error where Unicron overlaps the buildings as he moves forward, making him look tiny.

In the movie, these two shots are shown the other way around. The notes state Unicron should shine a red light here, but in the movie, it's a white light. The angle shown for Unicron in the finished movie is different to what the storyboard has, and you cannot see his pincers.

The storyboard states to have Kranix, Arblus and the scientist run off during this shot, but in the movie, they don't. However the movie has the scenery begin to break apart and a robot get sucked up, which isn't mentioned on the storyboard.

These shots were all cut.

This shot was cut, which is a shame as it would have looked great.

This shot was cut. A shot somewhat similar to this is shown in the promotional trailer, however.

The storyboards have this shot happen before Kranix tells everyone to get to the ships. In the finished movie, it's shown after he says this.

This shot was cut.

These shots were cut. The ships the Litonians take off in were originally meant to be much smaller single-seater vehicles, according to the storyboards. Three of them were meant to take off, but in the finished movie, only two do.

The storyboard states to have two of them escape, whilst the third one gets sucked back into Unicron. Because of the size change, the finished film has one ship escape.

The storyboard shows that the guy in the last ship would look over his shoulder and realize something is wrong just before he and and ship get sucked back into Unicron. In the movie, this isn't seen, as you can't see through the ship's cockpit during this shot.

This shot was cut. It was meant to be shown after this shot.
