An original script for this episode can be read at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive. The script was written by Marv Wolfman and Cherie Wilkerson on 11/10/86.
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MORGAN Why that's great, Gregory! So why don't you get my daughter away from there and head back home? We'll have a celebration! |
In the episode, Optimus Prime's ship is seen heading towards an asteroid, rather than a planet.
In the episode, Optimus Prime's hand doesn't make contact with Gregory, it instead breaks the control stick. Gregory still hits Optimus, but he kicks his arm a few times -the script wanted him to grab a wrench and smash it across his head.
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JESSICA Oh, way to go -hit 'em when they're down. |
In the episode, the above line is not a voice over.
In the episode, Optimus isn't seen in a protective chamber during this shot. He's seen left on a large table.
In the script, anything that gets infected with hate plague was meant to glow with a blue aura. But in the episode, they get a red aura.
In the episode, Morgan yells after saying this line, which wasn't scripted.
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SWOFFORD What? What's happening?! |
This sequence was messed up a little. The "Nobody will stop us line" for Sinnertwin's second head isn't heard here -it's heard a few seconds later, but Hun-grr says it after he gets blasted.
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SCATTERSHOT Rodimus was right! That report about that new alloy drew the Decepticons like a magnet! |
In the episode, Computron doesn't uselessly assume The Thinker pose. He just uselessly stands there.
In the episode, the shot of Abominus and Computron blasting at each other was cut. The sequence showing Abominus transforming back to the individual Terrorcons was also cut. Everything Morgan and Gregory were meant to do and say was also cut.
The script mentions that Hot Rod should appear here -this was probably a mistake, and was meant to be Hot Spot. Someone caught this error as Hot Spot does appear in this scene. The script also wanted all of the Protectobots to appear, but in the episode Streetwise and Groove are missing.
In the episode, the above two lines are voice overs. Morgan isn't seen pushing past a nurse or taking Jessica's hand, instead we see the doctors operating on her. When his second line is heard, the animation shows Gregory working on Optimus Prime.
In the episode, the shots showing Optimus were toned down or cut. The script wanted to show Optimus opened up, such as part of his face being completely removed, and a new face plate added later -this isn't shown in the episode. The shot of Morgan at a mountain peak was also cut.
These lines were cut.
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MORGAN Jessie. What have these monsters done to you? |
Jessica makes a "ugh!" sound here, which wasn't in the script.
In the episode, Hot Spot says this line, although it was changed slightly -"you'd" rather than "you would".
In the episode, Morgan doesn't take Jessica's hand here, instead he puts his hand on her shoulder.
The above scene was cut. It was meant to take place after Morgan takes Jessica away from the hospital. It does get referenced later, when Rodimus talks to the Optimus statue and mentions he sees him in his dreams.
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MORGAN It's no use. |
The echo the script wanted isn't heard in the episode.
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JESSICA You can't do this! MORGAN Jessica, please! JESSICA No, no! The Autobots helped me walk! |
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JESSICA (CONT) He's their leader. You can't destroy him. |
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MORGAN (CONT) No, I'm not wrong, honey -you are! |
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JESSICA We... we intercepted Optimus' ship before that star went nova. We-- |
In the episode, Rat Bat isn't seen flying here -he's already landed on the building. But he is seen flying during the following line:
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ULTRA MAGNUS Rodimus, don't be hasty. Listen to her. |
This section is all crossed out, with a note saying that "insert #1 replaces this section". Insert #1 is mostly what's used in the episode, but the Technobots don't appear during this scene.
Oddly the insert doesn't have Magnus name the Throttlebots, whilst in the original script, he did. In the episode, only four of the Throttlebots are seen in this scene. Stranger still is that in the original script, Goldbug is mentioned! Perhaps this was just a mistake by the writers, or were Bumblebee and Goldbug meant to be separate characters originally? Goldbug does make an appearance in the episode when the Autobot team arrives at the lab, but it's an animation error.
The insert does not mention Wheelie, but in the episode he is named and does appear here. However he disappears after this scene and is never seen again in the series.
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Whilst this is crossed out on the script, it is still shown in the episode.
This was cut. The script wanted this scene to take place at Trypticon, but in the episode the Decepticons are hanging out at a stadium, and Trypticon isn't in the episode at all.
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RODIMUS (CONT) The rest of you, I need patrolling the area. The Decepticons were here once. They may return. |
All of the above was cut. This was scripted to happen before the shot of the hate plague coming through the vents. Interestingly the above shot of Slingshot, Chase and Ultra Magnus entering the room is shown in part 2, when Sky Lynx explains to Optimus about what has happened.
This shot isn't present in the episode.
In the episode, Slingshot doesn't get his head smashed, and his line here was cut.
In the episode, after Defensor gets up, he fires back at Superion -this wasn't in the script. The above dialogue was cut.
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HOTSPOT ...before Superion infects us. Roll out! |
In the script, the Golden Gate bridge battle happens after the above line, then it would cut to the scene where Rodimus and Jessica start to leave the lab with Optimus Prime's body. In the episode, these scenes are the other way around.
Because of this change, the three Protectobots listed here were replaced with three of the Throttlebots in the episode.
Magnus' line was cut. The script oddly states "we track Jessica who runs to where Rodimus is hidden" but in the episode she's still inside Rodimus -the script even mentions she's still inside him a few lines above this and never mentions about her getting out. In the episode, she's inside his cab for all of this sequence. The script also mentions that Bruticus and Menasor should be present here, and the two would split back to the Combaticons and Stunticons. However in the episode, only Bruticus is seen (and he doesn't split up). The Stunticons are present, but as their individual selves, rather than Menasor.
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KUP Remember, don't let him touch you, or we'll all be contaminated. |
In the episode, Superion crushes the cop car after Kup's lines, in the script it was the other way around. The note about Optimus, Galvatron, Sky-Lynx and Jessica appears to be a mistake, or something that was misplaced from part 2's script.
Superion's line was cut. What happens next is mostly what happens in the episode, but you can see that there were a few things changed -originally Bumblebee was meant to dodge Superion's blast, but this was later changed to Blurr. The writers also made a mistake and listed Springer at the end, but someone corrected this.
Defensor has a line at the start of this scene which isn't in the script: "Everybody! Get off the bridge while you still can!". Superion then starts shooting, but his blasts don't cause anything to tumble onto Defensor. In the episode, Defensor simply rips off a beam by himself.
In the script, Superion was meant to split back into the Aerialbots, who would all slam into Defensor. This doesn't happen in the episode, and they remain together as Superion for all of this sequence. After Defensor gets infected, he splits to the Protectobots, who fight each other only -the script wanted them to also fight and shoot at the Aerialbots.
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SKY LYNX A Quintesson? But they're in hiding on the far reaches of the galaxy! |
This line was cut.
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SKY LYNX Optimus Prime? I will not rest until I have found you a Quintesson! |
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SKY LYNX Though it may stress my superior engines beyond endurance... |
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JESSICA I know... it's a terrible thought. |
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RODIMUS I'm sorry, Metroplex. But I have to do this. |
This entire scene was cut. It was scripted to happen after Magnus' "track your gas fumes anywhere" line.
In the episode, Bonnie's dialogue is said over a few different short sequences of Decepticons causing havoc and humans fighting. These sequences were in the script, but were scripted to happen after Bonnie's scene, not during it. But there are a few differences with them anyway:
Brawl's line was cut, and he's not seen going through Washington Park. In the episode there are a few shots of humans fighting each other here, but in the script these were meant to be shown slightly later. The script wanted to make a reference to Jem and the Holograms (another Hasbro-owned property), but in the episode, whilst a theater is seen, there's no mention of Jem. Whilst Razorclaw is seen getting infected, he's not seen going into the subway.
In the episode, the Lincoln Memorial isn't seen.
In the episode, the only infected characters shown for this scene are Sharkticons, no infected Quintessons are present. The script also notes that the fleeing Quintesson is "one of the older Quintessons, having four heads". I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean -the main Quintessons have always had five faces, ever since their first appearance in the movie. And the one in the episode has five faces, not four.
All of the above dialogue was cut. This was meant to happen before the Quintesson says "I'll do it!".
In the episode, Optimus Prime's body looks as good as new here.
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SKY LYNX Just be sure you do it right. |
In the episode, you can't see any wire on Optimus here.
All of this was cut. The script also wanted for Sky Lynx to be in his two separate components for most of this scene, but in the episode he remains together throughout.
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SKY LYNX Jolly good show! |
The script wanted the Quintesson to work on circuitry on Prime's arm here, but in the episode he's shown working on Prime's chest.
All of this was cut. For some reason the sequence with Rodimus is in the script twice, but the second instance is crossed out. But the second instance also has a line for Sky Lynx which wasn't there previously.
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SKY LYNX There's no time left for mistakes -- the world needs a leader -now! |
This was cut. The Quintesson's line was crossed out anyway, but Sky Lynx's line was also cut, and the Quintesson is never seen actually hitting a switch.