A revised scripted is available for this episode, which can be read in full at the Sunbow and Marvel Productions Script/Storyboard Archive. The original script was written by Donald F. Glut on 6/29/1984, whilst Ron Friedman's revised script is dated 7/7/1984.
Unfortunately Ron used a pretty thick marker pen to cross out bits he changed, so it's often hard to tell what was there originally.
The script's title for the episode is slightly different, featuring an exclamation mark at the end of it.
The cast list has "SKYFIRE IS JETFIRE" written on it, but this was then crossed out. Presumably Ron wrote this on, then realized Skyfire didn't appear in the episode anyway, so crossed it out.
This episode was supposed to begin with some dialogue from the narrator. Ron attempted to revise this dialogue, but then ended up crossing it all out and in the episode, the narrator doesn't get to say anything.
The script states Ironhide would just hold out his hands to get his sensor to work, but the animators had a small satellite dish emerge from one of his arms instead. The script also doesn't say anything about making Ironhide's eyes glow yellow whilst he does this.
The majority of the above was cut from the episode. The only thing to not be completely cut out here was Brawn's "pistons pumping" line. He does later say "Let's clean up this mess. Hey, there's a cavern in there", but he says this after all the rocks have been cleared away.
In the episode, Wheeljack says "Feels like" rather than "They feel" when he says this line.
Laserbeak was scripted to appear in the scene where Soundwave and Reflector are at the falls, but this was cut from the episode.
Reflector's revised dialogue originally had him say "Thanks to my brilliant work, Soundwave. Don't forget that.", but this was crossed out.
This was cut from the episode. Whilst we do get an establishing shot of the museum, we don't get to see a sign or the parking lot. The writer also appears to have confused Hound's vehicle mode with Mirage's here, stating that Spike is inside a Ligier rather than a Jeep.
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SPIKE Careful, don't bump your head. |
The script stated heavy metal rock music could be heard during the part where the two teenagers see Spike and Hound, but none is heard in the episode.
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TEENAGE BOY Wow, man. That's what I call heavy metal! |
This dialogue was cut from the episode. Two of the holographic dinosaurs did make it into the episode, but they don't do what they were scripted to do. The triceratops and tyrannosaurus are shown fighting later (during Prime's "authorization" line), but the tyrannosaurus isn't shown biting the triceratops.
In the episode, Prime doesn't walk out of frame, and Huffer doesn't shake his head.
Whilst the script wanted Ratchet to appear for this shot, the animators used Optimus Prime instead.
Whilst the script wanted to show Gears here, he's not seen in the episode -the camera pans right before he can appear. Prowl was also meant to be blasting a piece of metal, but the animation show him blasting rock.
The script called for Wheeljack to be using his shoulder cannon here, but oddly the animators forgot to put his shoulder cannon on at all. He's instead seen using a hand-held laser.
The script mentions showing the legs and tail of Grimlock here, but in the episode they aren't seen. Whilst the script wanted Ratchet to be used here, the animators went with Wheeljack.
The script wanted Wheeljack to smile here, which is a bit impossible for him to do given that he doesn't have a mouth. Given that in this episode the script wanted Wheeljack to grin, it makes me wonder if Wheeljack had a different head design originally. Anyway, the script here also wanted the camera to tilt down, which it doesn't in the episode. Wheeljack and Spike given each other thumbs ups, whilst the script only wanted Wheeljack to give the a ok sign.
This isn't a difference, but I may as well mention it: Megatron's line here has him mention Laserbeak. However, Laserbeak's involvement in the data collection was cut from the episode (see further up this page for more details).
Megatron was meant to have an additional line here. Ron tried to revise it, but then crossed it out.
ORIGINAL SCRIPT: The falls will generate more electricity for our energon cubes that we might ever need to destroy our enemies.
REVISED SCRIPT: That power source is the electrical generating plant at the great falls!
The script wanted a close shot of Megatron here, and the camera would push in on him. However in the episode Megatron is in the distance, and Starscream is also in the shot. The camera doesn't move at all.
The script states all of the Decepticons would fly out of the base in their robot modes, but the animators went all out by having Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker transform as they leave.
In the episode, Ratchet is seen saying this line, but he says it in Wheeljack's voice. He also doesn't say "Right!".
The Dinobots were supposed to walk out of the cavern and make some noise when they did, but in the episode they just magically move out of the shadows without actually moving.
Seems the animators were a bit confused over what to do here. Bluestreak is seen mouthing all three of the suggested ad-libs, using three different voice actors (one for each line). None of the three voice actors used (Peter Cullen, Dan Gilvezan and Gregg Berger) even voice Bluestreak!
The script calls for Optimus Prime to say this line. In the episode, Cliffjumper is shown mouthing it, but uses Prime's voice.
Some of this was cut from the episode. The script wanted to show the Dinobot's heads smoking, and whilst their roars of pain can be heard in the episode, you don't see them smoking or crackling with power.
In the episode, Sparkplug says this line after Slag knocks Wheeljack and Ratchet out of the way, rather than before.
The script doesn't mention anything about Bluestreak blasting Grimlock. In the script, all it states is for Grimlock to hit some running Autobots with his tail. The Autobots aren't seen running in the episode.
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OPTIMUS PRIME We have to stop these Dinobots before they create a catastrophe! |
The script called for Slag to breathe flames here, but the animators re-used an earlier shot of him firing lasers from his horns.
Slag's fire was meant to knock the Autobot's guns out of their hands, but the animators went with the simpler approach of just having the Autobots themselves getting blasted.
The script had Grimlock chomp through some rubble, but in the episode he's seen kicking a boulder instead.
No flashing lights are seen on Teletraan I for this shot in the episode.
The end of the first act was scripted to have Bumblebee flung across the room. However, the animation shows Bumblebee managing to drive off ok. But at the start of the second act, he's shown being flung across the room.
These shots of Grimlock and Teletraan were cut from the episode.
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BUMBLEBEE I just... popped a few gaskets, Ratchet. |
Bumblebee was scripted to use his horn to get Bumblebee's attention, but his horn isn't heard in the episode.
The script called for Ironhide to get hit and make him drop to one knee, as his entire body crackles with electricity. The animation, however, shows him getting blasted into a wall, then move out of shot as he dodges another laser blast.
The script called for Wheeljack's magnetic inducer to fire "strange energies", but the animators went with the usual laser blast. They also just had a shot of the Dinobots go bright yellow when the blast hits them, whilst the script wanted Wheeljack's beams to circle each of their heads.
In the episode, Prime doesn't say "just" for this line.
The script wanted the Dinobots to be in their robot modes when they are sealed in the cavern, but the animation shows them in their dinosaur modes. The camera doesn't pull back here either, instead Wheeljack is already in the shot. The camera pulls in towards him.
Right after the Dinobots are sealed away, there was this short scene which Ron did revise a line for, but then crossed the entire thing out.
This sequence was also cut from the episode.
The guards aren't seen shooting at the Decepticons, and some of them seem to just drop their guns, they aren't seen exploding in their hands like the script suggests.
This bit with Thundercracker was cut, which is a shame as it would have shown him attacking with something other than lasers. It was scripted to happen right after Skywarp shoots at the guards.
Ravage was scripted to use his proto bombs (the things on his legs) here, but the animators decided to have him attack with his eye lasers instead.
The camera doesn't pull back here in the episode. Instead, it pans to the right.
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SPIKE Until Teletraan I's operational again, it's up to us to check on Decepticon activity, Hound. |
In the episode, Prime doesn't say "We will" when saying this line.
Whilst the script calls for Sunstreaker to transform here, he's not seen in the episode. Instead, Jazz takes his place.
The script states that Skywarp and Thundercracker would be able to produce their own energon cubes, but in the episode they aren't seen doing this.
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MEGATRON As usual, you underestimate my Starscream. I have already devised a warm reception for our new foes, if they should be foolish enough to interfere. |
In the episode, the camera doesn't pan here, instead it cuts from shot to shot of each Autobot transforming. However it only shows three of them transforming, rather than all of them.
Whilst the script wanted to show Hound's shoulder turret do things here, in the episode nothing happens with it.
In the episode, Megatron says this line before the Decepticons reveal themselves, rather than after.
The above was all cut from the episode. It was scripted to take place after Ironhide tells Starscream to shut up and fight, and before Gears takes off.
For some reason that isn't mentioned in the script, Gears was to take off in a clumsy manner. In the episode he takes off just fine (although he shouldn't really be able to fly at all).
If you've ever wondered why Bluestreak is shaking his fist for seemingly no reason just before Gears crashes into him, it's because of an editing error. The script had it so Bluestreak is shooting at Rumble, and after Rumble taunts him, Gears would then crash into the fist-shaking Bluestreak. But in the episode, these shots were switched, so Gears crashes into Bluestreak, and then in the next shot, Bluestreak is back up and shooting at Rumble.
The script wanted the cables attached to Megatron's cannon to be crackling with electrical power in this shot, but no special effect is seen in the animation.
This is another script which states Rumble should create an earthquake via stomping the ground rather than using his piledriver arms (which is what the animation shows).
The script states the Autobots should be smoking and short-circuiting when they hit the water, but the animation doesn't show anything like this.
The third act was supposed to open with a shot of the Autobots still in the water, and the camera would then pan up to show Megatron. None of this is shown in the episode, instead, it starts with Bumblebee arriving at the falls.
The script wanted to have Starscream and the other Decepticons fly in to this shot, but in the episode, Starscream is shown standing next to Megatron already and none of the other Decepticons appear. Megatron's "powerless to resist" line was cut.
In the episode, Megatron doesn't say "They're finished!", and doesn't laugh either.
This shot was cut from the episode.
The Autobot HQ's entrance is already open when Bumblebee arrives.
In the episode, it's Ratchet who's seen walking towards the camera. As he and Spike talk, it cuts to a shot of Wheeljack's head for a few seconds, which was scripted to happen after the two were done talking.
When Wheeljack hits Teletraan I, the script states his fist should be crackling with "visible power", but in the episode nothing special happens. Also, he says his "research project" line after hitting Teletraan in the episode, whilst in the script it was the other way around.
After Wheeljack's "better ideas?" line, it cuts straights to the Autobots placing the memory components on the Dinobots. But the script reveals there was supposed to be quite a bit more here. Firstly, Bumblebee and Spike were meant to shrug no to Wheeljack's question. Then, there was supposed to be a sequence showing them blasting open the cavern and heading into it. Wheeljack does say his "do this fast" line, but in the episode it was changed to this:
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WHEELJACK We have to do this quickly -- before the Decepticons get wind of it. |
Wheeljack was also supposed to be shown standing on the shoulders of the second Dinobot as he installs the component, but in the episode, he stands on a rock:
The script also states Wheeljack would install the components via using his shoulder cannon, but in the episode he is only shown placing it on top of Slag's head.
The script wanted Grimlock to use his sword first, when he blows apart the wall, which isn't shown in the episode. The script also refers to Grimlock's other weapon as a rocket launcher -but in the episode, it fires lasers.
Another cut sequence. In the episode, as soon as the Dinobots get outside, they fly off. But in the script, there was this.
In the episode, Megatron's dialogue isn't via voice over -he's in the shot and his lips move, and the animation for his lip movements is terrible. The script also wanted Rumble to be part of the Decepticon firing squad, but he can't be seen in the episode.
The Dinobots were supposed to be wearing "power packs" which would let them fly. The scene where Ratchet mentions these was cut (see above for more details) and in the episode, they don't appear to be wearing anything special to let them fly. In future episodes, the Dinobots apparently can just fly unaided.
Also of note here is that Wheeljack was meant to fly via his "arm rockets". This is seemingly a reference to his toy's bio, which states he has a flying range of "800 miles using solid-fuel rockets in arms". However in the episode, the animators just had him flying without anything special going on.
The Dinobots were scripted to cast aside their power packs before transforming, but as they are never seen using the packs in the episode, this doesn't happen.
Part of this was cut from the episode. Megatron is never seen hitting Sludge here, and Sludge is never seen entering the water -in the episode, it cuts straight to a shot of Sludge already in the water.
This close up shot of Grimlock isn't seen in the episode.
The script states Thundercracker and Slag's flame streams would hit one another, but this doesn't happen in the episode. Instead, Thundercracker's flames hit Slag, and Slag returns fire with his flames and lasers.
Rumble was supposed to make a "cool pose", whatever that is. The animators had him stand there in the most boring way possible.
Rumble was scripted to use his gun to create an earthquake, but in the episode he uses his piledriver arms. And when Sludge creates a counter quake, Rumble was scripted to get sent flying backwards and drop his gun. In the episode, he simply falls over and his arms drop off.
Skywarp's missiles were scripted to hit Slag's head, but in the episode they explode next to him instead. Skywarp's "show 'em" line was cut, and the script states Grimlock was to bite his feet, which means Skywarp was meant to be in robot mode -in the episode, he's in jet mode here.
This dialogue between Soundwave and Skywarp was cut from the episode.
A battle between Slag and Reflector was scripted, but cut from the episode. Possibly because it was too violent -Reflector would have been melted!
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MEGATRON We must keep fighting at all costs! |
Many have wondered if Starscream was meant to be in jet mode here, but the truth is the script doesn't state anything about it here. But it does later on (see below).
Starscream was supposed to have a line as he blasted away. I can't tell what the original script had, but the revised script had "Sure... Megatron... fight on fearlessly". This line was then crossed out.
The script wanted this shot to favor Sideswipe and Bluestreak's weapons, but in the episode it just shows a pile of guns with no special preferences.
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WHEELJACK (VO) ...should dry off your circuits... and Bluestreak's bolts will give you all an instant re-charge. |
This shot was cut from the episode, and the Autobots are never seen breaking the chains. It just cuts to a shot of the Autobots standing around with the chains already off.
The lasers here were supposed to bounce off the Dinobots, instead the Dinobots are all seen glowing as they get hit. The script also wanted the Dinobots to combine their lasers into one large beam, but in the episode they're seen firing one at a time.
The script confirms Starscream was supposed to be in robot mode here -"the Raygun flying from his hands". In the episode Megatron falls away from Starscream's jet underside.
Megatron isn't seen frowning, and the Autobots aren't shown stepping into the shot either.
In the episode, Bumblebee isn't seen moving, as when it cuts to this shot he's already there.
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SPIKE But face it, Optimus Prime -- if they obeyed your orders, you'd all be goners by now. |
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OPTIMUS PRIME Indeed. Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error. I have no reprimand for Wheeljack or Bumblebee. But as for the Dinobots... |
The script doesn't state for the Dinobots to transform at the end, but in the episode, that's exactly what they do.