A manga adaptation of the movie was first published in Japan, in 1994. Drawn and written by Takayuki Sakai, the manga loosely follows the same plot as the movie, but there are many differences. Several scenes from the movie -such as the opening battle between Ryu and Sagat, and Chun-Li meeting Guile at the air base -are cut entirely. Some scenes play out differently in the manga, and then the manga also features some stuff that's not from the movie at all. One of the biggest differences is that Shadowlaw's monitor cyborgs are completely absent from the manga adaptation.
-In America, Viz released the manga adaptation in a six issue series, in 1996. A collected edition, which contained the complete story, was released in the UK (pictured above), which was also released in 1996.
Manga differences
-The manga starts with Ken driving by himself, wondering about how he should go about asking Eliza to marry him (Eliza does not actually appear in the manga, and is only mentioned here). He is then confronted by Sagat, Balrog, Bison and Vega (who all land on his car). They want to know where Ryu is, but Ken stops his car and prepares to fight them. However, Vega defeats him instantly by using his psycho crusher.
-After the above, the manga then shows the flashback with Ryu and Ken sparring. However, in the manga, it has different dialogue -Goutetsu says he'll teach them the hadou ken soon.
After this, the manga shows Ryu and Ken doing a different training exercise, where they hand upside down and walk across a log. Ken ends up falling, but Ryu then wakes up -it was a dream he was having.
-The street fight Ryu watches in the manga is Blanka versus Zangief, whilst in the movie, he watches Dhalsim fight Honda. The movie does have Blanka take on Zangief, but it happens later, in a different location, and Ryu doesn't watch it.
-As Blanka fights Zangief in the manga, Cammy appears, and kills Vahaan. In the movie, an unnamed Shadowlaw assassin kills Vahaan.
-In the manga, Ryu is the one who takes Cammy out, defeating her with a hurricane kick (although the dialogue mistakenly has him say "shoryuken!"). In the movie, Cammy appears near the start, and takes out someone else. A group of bodyguards are the ones who defeat her.
-In the manga, after Cammy is defeated, Chun-Li appears. She meets Ryu and takes him back to the Interpol HQ, where she explains that Ken has been kidnapped by Shadowlaw. None of this happens in the movie, as the two never even meet.
-Ryu also watches Cammy's interrogation in the manga, and Cammy wears a different outfit.
In the movie, he's not there, and Cammy is wearing her usual outfit.
-In the manga, Chun-Li and Ryu are about to leave the Interpol HQ, when they are confronted by "Ken", who immediately attacks Ryu. However, Ryu can tell something is wrong when "Ken" starts using the wrong moves, including a sonic boom!
Ryu defeats him with a hadou ken, and he and Chun-Li find out it's Guile in disguise. Chun-Li reveals Guile is an Interpol agent who was investigating Shadowlaw, and must have been brainwashed by them. Absolutely none of this is in the movie.
-Some of Guile's muscles then explode -Chun-Li says it is a side effect of the drugs Shadowlaw pumped him full of. Guile tells Ryu where to go to find Ken, but then passes out. As he is taken to a hospital, a small sphere floats around, and is recording everything. Vega watches the footage, and learns of the hadou ken technique. Again, none of this is in the movie.
-In the manga, Ryu then runs off to the place Guile told him to go. As he does, he runs by another street fight: Fei Long versus Dhalsim. They both stop when they sense Ryu. In the movie, Dhalsim fights Honda rather than Fei Long.
-The next part of the manga has the injured Guile storm into the Interpol HQ, demanding for Chun-Li to re-watch the video tape that recorded his battle with Ryu. Chun-Li thinks he could still be under Shadowlaw's influence, and has him removed from the building.
-Chun-Li then returns to her apartment, where she re-watches the tape. She realized she'd missed something earlier: Guile telling Ryu where to go. Before she can report it, she is attacked by Balrog. In the movie, she does fight Balrog, but doesn't watch any tape first.
-In the manga, Guile steals a car to get to Chun-Li. In the movie, he drives his own.
-In the manga, Chun-Li sees a vision of her father, telling her she cannot join him in the afterlife yet. This is not in the movie.
-Chun-Li defeats Balrog with her kikou ken projectile in the manga. She never uses this technique in the movie.
-In the manga, Balrog definitely survives his fall -he lands in a tree. Dee Jay, Honda and T. Hawk then run over (making their only appearances) to help him, but he is rude to them and tells them to stay away. They comically beat him up.
In the movie, Vega is not seen again after he is shown falling, and it's unclear if he survived.
-When Guile enters Chun-Li's apartment, he finds Chun-Li unconscious, but sees she has written the location of where Ryu is on a wall, using her own blood to write it. Whilst Guile finds her in the movie, she doesn't write anything on any wall.
-The next part of the manga takes place at the Shadowlaw HQ. Ken beats up Sagat and Bison, who were meant to go with him to fight Ryu. Ken then tells Vega those two would have just gotten in his way, as he wants to fight Ryu by himself. In the movie, Sagat is sent away to find Balrog, whilst Bison does go with Ken and Vega.
-The manga then has Ryu have another flashback, but it's not one that is in the movie. Ryu and Ken encounter a large bear, who slashes Ryu's face.
Ken gives Ryu his hair band, which Ryu uses as a headband.
-After the above flashback, Vega arrives with Ken. In the movie, Honda and Guile are also present.
-The fight between Ryu and Ken is different, as Ryu actually hits Ken back in the manga -unlike in the movie. In the manga, Ryu also attempts to paralyze Ken by hitting pressure points on his neck, which he does not do in the movie.
-Ken hits Ryu with a hurricane kick in the manga. He doesn't use this move against him in the movie.
-In the manga, Ken's mind control is broken when he headbutts Ryu. In the movie, the way he breaks is completely different.
-When Vega realizes he's lost control over Ken, he tells one of his underlings to go back into the jet, and shoot Ken with the jet's gun. This does not happen in the movie.
-The manga then has Guile suddenly appear -he crashes his jet on top of Vega's, preventing it from firing on Ken. This does not happen in the movie, as Guile arrives before the bad guys.
-Guile then attempts to fight Vega in the manga, but is beaten easily. Unlike the movie, you don't see how their fight plays out.
-In the manga, Ken tells Ryu he wants him to kill him, as he can't control himself. Ryu knocks some sense into Ken by using the sho ryu ken. This does not happen in the movie, Ken instead has to regain control of himself by meditating.
-In the manga, Ryu and Ken compare Vega to the bear they once fought, which they defeated by throwing hadou kens at it. They do the same thing to defeat Vega.
-In the manga, when Vega gets hit by the hadou kens, half his body is blown away -however, he reveals Ryu and Ken were fighting a dummy. The real Vega then attacks them, and they eventually defeat him by using their dragon punches at the same time.
In the movie, their fight against Vega goes on for a lot longer, and they eventually defeat him by throwing hadou kens at him at the same time.
-When Vega gets hit in the manga, he ends up being pierced on the front of Guile's jet.
He then realizes he can't control his own power, and then explodes. In the movie, the moment he hits his jet, it explodes.
-Vega seems to turn into some kind of spirit in the manga, which flies off and vanishes. This does not happen in the movie.
-The manga ends with Ryu and Ken fist-bumping next to Vega's destroyed jet. The manga does not have them do this until a little later on, in a different location.