Ryu is suddenly attacked by three of Sadler's fighters, but he takes them all out. He can sense Rosanov's ki, and feels that it is trying to take him over again.
He then sees several explosions rock the lab. Inside, Rosanov has blasted Ken out of the way, and has already caught up to Chun-Li and Birdie.
Birdie gets up and attempts to fight, but gets battered around by Rosanov. Rosanov starts to choke him, but Chun-Li leaps in and grabs him by the face.
She tries slamming him to the ground, but he's immediately up again. She throws a projectile at him, but he charges through it without taking any damage, and then grabs her by her ankle.
He injures her just as Ken returns, saying he couldn't live with himself in he let a puppet take him out. Chun-Li is thrown to the floor, and she tells Ken to get out of here whilst he still can.
Rosanov says he is tired of playing with them. Shun's face then appears out of his chest, but he then fires a massive energy blast from his mouth.
More of the lab explodes. Sadler asks if he has Ryu's attention yet. Rosanov takes Chun-Li and Ken outside, and throws them down. Ken says he's still ready to go, and Rosanov says that's good -he was hoping they could have some more fun.
However, Ryu then appears. He leaps over and smashes Rosanov in his face with an elbow. Rosanov talks to Ryu, but as he speaks, Shun's voice is also heard. He tells Ryu to feel more anger and hate.
Shun say he's here in the flesh, and Ryu asks how. Rosanov calls Ryu an idiot, falling for such a simple trap. Shun asks him why is he here -to rescue a fake brother, who doesn't exist? Did he ever really believe that he was his brother? Rosanov picks Ken up, as Shun tells Ryu that Ken will die -unless Ryu uses the dark hadou against him.
Chun-Li starts to get up, as Ryu tells Shun to let go. Ken is dropped back down, and Shun says that's good -Ryu is finally getting angry. He tells him he's been looking forward to this.
Shun disappears back into Rosanov's body, as Ryu begins his attack. He hits Rosanov several times, and slams him into the ground.
He then throws a fireball into his face, and continues pounding away at him.
As this is happening, Sadler tells Ryu to keep fighting, so he can keep collecting his data. Ryu jumps up and throws out another projectile, which hits Rosanov dead on.
Sadler is pleased, and says to keep fighting -every time Ryu attacks, his power will grow. Rosanov doesn't seem to have taken any damage, as Shun appears again, asking if that attack was supposed to hurt him. This body has incorporated all of the data that was drawn from those other street fighters. There's one way Ryu can defeat him: fire off a dark hadou. He tells him to shoot him now.
Rosanov tells Ryu to shoot him, whilst Shun is pulled back into Rosanov's body. Rosanov then reveals he can now use the hadouken, and prepares one.
But his hadouken is a massive energy beam, which he throws out at Ken, sending him flying. Chun-Li tries to attack Rosanov, and kicks him in the face...
...but he slams her into the ground head first. Ken then wakes up and says that he's never fought anyone just to hurt them, but that's about to change.
Rosanov turns around and calls Ken a fool, before starting to walk towards him. Ken says that this one is for Ryu, and then dashes forward. A huge tornado is created, as Ken uses his shoryuken technique.
Ken loses conscious shortly after using his dragon punch, and falls to the ground. Rosanov has had his jaw dislocated, but he quickly heals his wound and asks if that was the best he could do. Having seen everything, Ryu has gone over the edge, and starts to use the dark hadou.
As he gets ready with a projectile, Ken tells Ryu not to do it. But Rosanov/Shun tells him to shoot, and gets his own projectile ready. Ryu throws out a projectile...
...as Rosanov does the same thing. But his blast doesn't compare to Ryu's, and he is engulfed by it. Shun is sent flying out of his body.
Rosanov collapses and disintegrates, but Sadler is happy with everything that's happened. The glass window he was looking through shatters...
...as he leaps out. He personally thanks Ryu for this great gift, a gift he intends to share. He then proceeds to pulverize Ryu with a variety of different moves.
Sadler says he loves his new body, and only one person should be able to have a body like this. He will swallow Ryu up with his evil. Ryu thinks if it is true -will the dark hadou consume him? Sadler prepares to throw a fireball, as Ryu does the same.
But then a card is thrown in front of Ryu, and time seems to stop. Rose appears, and tells Ryu that he hasn't turned over the death card... yet. She then disappears. Ryu continues to use the dark hadou.
Shun, barely alive, tells Ryu to stop, as he doesn't have to do this. Chun-Li also recovers and tells Ryu not to lose. Ken says that Ryu will never be the same as Akuma. They don't fight to kill.
As this is going on, Sakura has recovered, and is practicing some moves. But she still thinks about that question: why does he fight? She thinks he must fight on to find that answer.
Sadler throws out his projectile. Ryu stands there, but does not do anything. He instead gets hit by the blast.
As this happens, he stops using the dark hadou, and switches to his usual projectile. He throws out his own blast, which hits Sadler and blows his arms off. Sadler only has time to ask himself how this happened...
...before he crumbles into nothing. Ryu goes to Shun. Shun says he always wanted to see him fight, but why did he come back for him? He thinks about the time they were together, back at the dojo.
He must have known that this was a trap. And he didn't really think that he was his brother. So why? Ryu says he knows why -he really is his brother. Chun-Li brings Ken over, as Ryu says he will never again use the power of the dark hadou. He tells Shun he will not use it either. Shun says he didn't mean for this to happen, but he wanted the money. He thought if he could get it, he could help his mother.
He also wanted to be stronger than anyone else. He questions what he has done, but then tells Ryu he'll see him around. Shun then passes away, and Ryu yells out.
As the fighters return from Sadler's lab, they resume their normal lives. Chun-Li continues to work as an Interpol agent, and can take down any criminals she meets. Although Wallace thinks she ought to take it easy on them.
As Sakura does a high kick, her sneaker comes off, but Kei catches it. Kei is surprised at what Sakura wants to do, but Sakura maintains that she's going to work hard. So the next time she next sees Ryu, she'll be ready to fight him!
Having recovered from his injuries, Ken returns to the street fighting world, and is easily beating his opponents.
Ryu also fights again, this time against Akuma. Akuma asks him if he's in a hurry to die. Ryu thinks that he is not walking down the same path as Akuma, and leaps towards him.