From the outside, the Major's zeppelin explodes in several places. Alucard says his master and servant must really be tearing those Nazis apart. This game is reaching its end, and now Hellsing will be taking the center stage!

Inside, Seras easily slaughters any Nazis whilst also using her powers to protect Integra. Integra also slices through them, using her sword. The pair note that these Nazis are smiling in death. It seems death is what they came here to obtain.

The Major is watching them via cameras and speaks to them over an intercom. He says that if his forces were to die, it must be in a battle that would shake the very timbers of Valhalla, and nothing less. He's been searching for a worthy foe, even if it has taken half a century. Seras and Integra see that the Captain has appeared before them.

He thinks that Hellsing is wonderful, but whether they'll live or die remains to be seen. Seras tells Integra to go and confront the Major, as she thinks everything he says is like poison and she'll go mad if she keeps hearing him. Integra goes but tells Seras that she can't die. The Captain points towards a sign, showing the way to the headquarters.

Integra thanks the good dog and tells him to now play dead, before walking off. With Integra out of the way, Seras starts to battle the Captain. The two start off be using guns...

...but Seras tries to move in closer. However the Captain throws his coat over her and then shoots her. She quickly recovers and uses the powers of her new arm to attack, only for him to repel them by revealing his werewolf form.

Outside, Alucard gloats that he'll give Walter a messy death, something all traitors deserve. He has no plans for this to be a fair fight either, something he doesn't deserve. But he will make his death quick, as he's famished.

Using his powers, Alucard begins to gather up all of the blood of the fallen throughout London, and sends it to once place: himself. He thinks that this much blood might even be too much for him to consume. Back in the zeppelin, the Major and Doc are pleased that everything is going according to plan.

Alucard may be able to summon familiars, change forms and more, but the Major has brought everything he has to this war. During the second world war, he was once surrounded by Russian soldiers, who beat him up and then one of them shot him. Still alive, he saw all of the blood of his fellow soldiers around him. Back in the present, he thinks about vampirism and about how he is who he is.

Their decades of preparation were all of this moment. As the sea of blood continues through London, the Major speaks of how they were supposed to defeat one such as Alucard. And that method shall be to poison him.

Elsewhere in the zeppelin, the Captain's werewolf form is overpowering Seras. She gets kicked so hard she goes through several decks and crashes into a large treasury room below. She apologizes to her master but she realized she can't win this, the Captain is too strong.

"Laying down on the job...that isn't like you."

Seras wakes up as she realized that Pip is talking to her. He tells her to get up, or he'll start calling her mon cher, and he knows how much she hates that. This spurs Seras into leaping out of the way of the Captain's next attack just in time. As he's now her familiar, Pip tells her that she's gotten rusty, but now she's shaken off the dust, they'll finish off the Captain together.

Seras uses a lightning fast flying kick, but the Captain evades it easily. She uses her powers to surround him and even stab through him, but he once again uses his werewolf powers to avoid taking any damage. The released energy rips apart the room, destroying several boxes which release gold everywhere. Pip explains this is plundered gold and treasures from when the Nazis ransacked Europe half a century a go.

The Captain suddenly kicks something at Seras, which she catches and is surprised to see that it's a silver tooth. Pip says he's being a good dog -he's giving her a hint to how to defeat him. It seems that he led her here on purpose. He must want to die, so Pip tells her to oblige him. Seras wishes he wouldn't smoke inside her but he warns her the Captain is coming. The Captain charges across the room and delivers a powerful kick. Seras blocks it but gets knocked back.

She hits a weapons crate which opens up, and she retrieves a large bomb. She hurls this at the Captain, only for him to kick it back. It explodes around him as Seras attacks from the air.

The two clash again, but the Captain has his arms torn to shreds in the exchange of blows. He tries to kick her, but she bites down into his leg, stopping him from being able to run any more. Pip appears out of Seras, holding the silver tooth. He tells the Captain his sins from 50 years a go have come home to bite him.

He plunges to tooth into the Captain's chest, which causes him to fall. The Captain smiles as blue flames erupt from his body, killing him. Seras notes he looked like a child awakening from a dream just now. These men have been trapped in the same dream since World War II, but tonight she has woken them up.

Meanwhile, Integra makes it to where the Major is. The Major is glad to finally meet her in the flesh, at which point she starts firing at him. But he's protected be a sheet of ultra-strong glass, and when she tries to use her sword on it, it shatters into pieces. The Major tells her he was worried she'd miss the main event, which is a one night only deal that he's got the best seat in the house for.

He returns to his seat and turns on some monitors, which display Alucard, and says this is something you'll only see once a century. But this time, when the curtain falls, Alucard is going to cease to exist. Outside, Schrödinger waits on a tower, watching over all of the sea of blood below.

He takes out a knife and plunges it into his own neck, before slicing right through it, killing himself. His body and head fall into the sea of blood and are carried off towards Alucard. Unaware, Alucard is gleeful about all of the blood, but he admits that it's more than he could ever drink.

He wants to know if Walter wants to go on. Walter says he'll see this through the end and begs for the Major to give him more time. He dashes forward and uses his wires to split Alucard in two, but it doesn't kill him. The Major is watching and says that he can't win now, no matter what he does. Everyone who's gone up against Alucard were all sacrificed for this moment. Alucard easily reforms himself.

He grabs Walters and tells him even if he tried 1,000 times, he'd still never win. If Anderson couldn't do it, then he doesn't have a chance in hell. Meanwhile, the Major watches as Schrödinger's body and all of it's blood is consumed by Alucard. He says he has won and tells Alucard that he has been bested. Alucard disagrees says he's never been stronger.

But Alucard suddenly begins to have strange visions. At first, he talks of how he can never be stopped, be it when he was Vlad, or now. He then sees a sunrise, the same one he saw when he was defeated 100 years a go. It was the same sunrise he saw as Vlad, when he was being executed. The same sunrise he sees whenever he dies.

Suddenly, Alucard's form completely changes. The Major says the poor player on the stage will be heard from no more. Alucard looks at himself and see that all of the eyes on his own body are closing and leaving him.

Integra demands to know what's going on. The Major explains that Alucard absorbed the essence of Schrödinger. By drinking his blood, Alucard has become the paradoxical cat, and being shackled by infinite possibilities. As long as he is self aware, he is everywhere and nowhere. But that conundrum is now multiplied by the millions of lives and consciousness within Alucard, to the point he is no longer capable of recognizing himself. It means that Alucard is gone -he's neither alive, dead or even undead, he's become an abstraction, or an imaginary number.

Integra yells for Alucard to open his eyes, and that's a direct order. But Alucard tells her that he fears he must disobey her...this is his farewell. He vanishes, leaving only behind a small pentagram on the floor.

Integra stands in shock at what has just happened, as a fire spreads through the room. The Major says he gave everything he had for this moment, just as he took everything Alucard had. He's waited decades for this moment, and he admits that the taste of victory is a strange one, having had so many defeats. Seras then bursts into the room, and the Major wants to know which one of them will kill him.

Outside, Walter is laughing. The mighty Alucard is dead, and he is still standing. His joy quickly kills to frustration as he wanted Alucard bested, and that's what he got, but why does it feel so...before he can finish his though, he suddenly takes a shot and gets send flying into a wall. Nearby, Heinkel has tracked Walter down.

Walter gets back up and says a traitor's death is what he deserves and tells Heinkel to fire again, he won't try to dodge. Heinkel complies, but Walter takes the hits and still stands. Heinkel say's there's more where that came from and runs towards Walter, pulling out another gun. Walter says nobody dies without the Major's permission and slices up Heinkel with his wires.

Heinkel falls but is still alive, and demands for Walter to come back. Walter doesn't listen and slowly makes his way towards the zeppelin, although he has been badly injured. Back inside the zeppelin, the Major welcomes Seras and tells her she's joined them at the perfect moment. Alucard was his arch-enemy, but now that position has fallen vacant. And since they were his closest compatriots, that role can now fall to them. He says that their nemesis is here, they should get revenge, unless he's too much for them. Integra orders Seras to fire upon the madman, which she does.

The Major curses Doc for doing such a good job with this glass, as it still doesn't break under the barrage of fire. Seras switches to a much bigger weapon, by pulling out a 88mm cannon. The Major is excited at seeing it, and Seras fires...

...blowing away not only the glass but the Major, too. As the smoke dies down, Integra walks forward and tells him to burn in hell. He says he will, but not just yet. Integra can't believe it and questions how he can possibly still be alive, but as the smoke clears it becomes obvious what the Major really is.

The Major is no vampire: he's a cyborg. He assures them that he's just as human now as he ever was. Integra thinks he's a clockwork monstrosity, but he says she can deny it all she wants. He still has his own will. The vampires in her employ rely on the life blood of others to keep them going. If it's a monster you want, look no further than Alucard. He states that within him, there is still a human soul and will. He despised Alucard and destroyed him and his kingdom into dust.

It took a man with the trappings of a monster to destroy a monster with the trappings of a man. Alucard was a casualty to his will. He tells Integra he planted the seeds of this war half a century a go, now she can show him what has blossomed. Integra removes her coat and starts to walk forward, whilst pulling out a revolver. The Major also pulls out a gun and takes aim.

He starts firing, but his aim is so terrible that he misses every shot. Integra walks right up to him and the two briefly stare at each other, before they each fire a single round. The Major finally manages to hit her, taking out one of her eyes, but he is shot in the head. The Major is pleased that he finally hit something, but then falls on his back. He says this is exactly what he wanted his war to be, but then dies.

Integra tells him he's wrong, nobody will think of this as a war, just an exchange of bullets. The death rattle of a lunatic half a century past his prime. She lights up a cigar and says she hardly even thinks of him as proper opponent, just someone who needed to be put down. She thinks there was no shred of humanity left in him and he died as he lived: a cowardly beast. And Alucard won't be bested by the likes of him. Meanwhile, Doc has returned to his lab.

He's panicking that it's over, but assures himself that technology and science speed ahead. He is missing something, something alludes him. He opens up a chamber which has something marked "The Shi" inside it, but he says he mustn't use it. He instead decides to gather up as much of his research as he can and leave. One day the world will tremble before what he has created. However a voice asks if he's leaving so soon. Walter has arrived and says his best wasn't good enough, the least he could do is leave with some dignity and grace. Doc thinks he's a failure but Walter tells him everything he's made, himself included, were all broken. He's just a farce.

Doc isn't happy with how he's been spoken to and says what he made with his vampires is just the beginning. He then points to the chamber and says they'll surpass her. Alucard's best will be nothing. Walter tells him that that sounds lovely, but none of it is going to happen. Doc tells him to shut his mouth and pulls out a remote, but before he can push any buttons, Walter slices him up.

Doc crashes into the chamber and rips the curtain off, revealing a shackled skeleton inside it. This skeleton is the remains if Mina Harker: the only woman that Alucard fed upon, and in turn, fed upon him. It was said she returned to normal after Van Helsing defeated Alucard long a go. But it seems that wasn't quite correct, as Alucard's essence was still in her bones on a microscopic level. And in the years that followed, the Nazis exhumed her body, and were able to create their vampires from it. Walter thinks all they've done is create an imitation, but now the show is over. Using his wires, he causes part of the ceiling to crumble and pulls it down, which smashes into Doc and kills him instantly.

Walter collapses and says it's a shame, he really wanted to give Alucard a proper send off. With his final words he tells his master, Integra, that they had a good run. The lab is then completely engulfed in flames. Integra somehow senses his passing and cries out his name. She tells Seras that the angel of death is no more. As more explosions rock the zeppelin, Integra says she's tired and it's time for them to return to what's left of their home.

Seras picks up Integra, and the two fly out of the exploding zeppelin. As they get clear, the zeppelin is totally destroyed, becoming a smoldering wreck. Some time later, a man reads a report about what is now referred to as the "Zeppelin incident". There were over 60,000 American casualties and over 3 million British casualties.

Rob Walsh tells him he should be at his fencing class. He replies by saying that he has to read these reports, as if anyone tries to copy the zeppelin incident, he doesn't think they'll be able to repel it with sabers. Walsh tells him that when he makes a face like that, he reminds him a lot of his great-grandfather, Sir Irons. Meanwhile, at the Hellsing estate, Integra wins a fencing match, knocking her opponent's saber out of his hand.

Removing her mask, it's revealed that she's aged, as 30 years have now passed since the zeppelin incident. Chief Makube, Maxwell's successor as director of the Iscariot Organization, applauds her skills. But she tells him to go back to the lobby. He says it's not his place to wait and wanted to find his own amusement, but Integra insists he returns to the lobby. Makube says he meant no disrespect, and leaves.

As he and his allies return, one of them says they could take this place now, the security is as lax as ever. Heinkel says he's naive, there's more to this place than he knows. Makube demonstrates this be punching a wall -which causes a shockwave to go through the entire mansion, and they also hear Pip complaining about how much that hurt! Makube explains that this is Seras Victoria's "shadow", which wraps around the whole mansion, and the people inside. Heinkel says that they could die now, but they could also take out half of the Roundtable with them.

Makube declines, saying perhaps another day. The losses they suffered during the 9th crusade are still hurting them now. They've waited a few centuries already -what's another 100 or 200 years? The 10th crusade will turn all of this around. Back at the fencing, Integra congratulates Sir Gregory Penwood for such a bracing match, it seems he's been practicing. He says he has, but he wants to know something about his grandfather, as he's heard some conflicting stories about his swordsmanship. Integra gives him the truth: his grandfather tore through the Nazi horde like they were paper! He slaughtered hundreds of them with his blade and pistol, then strapped satchel charges to himself and blowing the zeppelin clean to hell! His heroics have yet to be matched!

She says he was England's protector, and she even lost her left eye just trying to duel him for fun. That's the complete truth, and to honor his memory, could she have a new helicopter? Penwood can't believe she wants another one, but he weakly agrees to it before running out of the room.

Seras pities him, as whilst he is a nitwit, he does have feelings. Integra says the sooner they all man up, the better. When she dies, Hellsing comes to an end, both the organization and the family. It'll fall upon Penwood and his ilk to carry on the torch as part of a state-run government agency. The years weigh heavily on her today, when she looked in the mirror earlier, she found another wrinkle. When she saw that wrinkle, she couldn't help but think of Walter...he would have told her to keep a stiff upper lip.

Seras tries to cheer her up by offering to drink her blood, she could even go all Alucard if she wanted. Integra responds by booting her in the face, saying that's not something she should joke about, hasn't she learnt anything?! And that master of hers isn't off the hook either, as he skipped out and never came back. And if he does come back, she's going to have words!

Seras calmly responds that he will return alright, she knows that because he drank her blood. She just needs to be patient for a little while longer. Integra isn't happy about that, as she's been saying that for 30 years. Of course, she can wait patiently, as she's a vampire. Seras says that frowning makes more wrinkles, at which points Integra resumes her attack on her. Later that night, a familiar shadow materializes in Integra's room...

...and heads straight towards the sleeping Integra. The intruder is about to bite into her neck, when Integra wakes up and starts shooting.

Seras bursts into the room and turns the lights on, but both she and Integra are surprised to see that Alucard has finally returned! He laughs and says that was such a violent welcome, he feels honored.

Integra says he took longer than she'd expected. He explains that killing one's self takes some time, and is his situation, there was a lot of self to kill. 3,425,867 souls were within him, clouding his mind and denying him awareness. He butchered them all until only himself remained. He has returned here, but he is also always nowhere. It's a conundrum, but the truth of it is he is everywhere. Integra says that whilst he has returned, she has turned old. Was he going to drink her blood? He explains he hasn't eaten in 30 years, so he's famished. Integra says the young women he knew is gone, she's now ancient, but Alucard reminds her that he's old too. Integra smiles and then bites into her finger, causing it to bleed. As blood trickles down, she tells her dear count that he is home. He tells his countess that he's back forevermore.


This episode adapts part of the manga's ninth volume, along with all of the tenth.

Some fans believe this episode ran out of budget, hence why most of the last few scenes look so cartoony, but the truth is they look exactly like that in the manga as well.

Heinkel got sliced up pretty badly whilst fighting Walter, but seems fine at the end. This seems to show that Heinkel became a regenerator, like Anderson was. Heinkel's mouth is still busted up badly though.

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