In the opening of the anime, Jeff Bogard makes a brief appearance. His design here would later be used for his appearance in the Playstation port of Fatal Fury Wild Ambition, which was released in 1999. |
The opening also features a younger Geese Howard, who has a pony tail. This younger version of Geese would later be featured as a hidden boss in 1994's Art of Fighting 2, complete with pony tail. Nobuyuki Kuroki, who worked on Art of Fighting 2, confirmed the anime was the source of inspiration for the younger Geese to make an appearance in the game in this Playstation blog interview. |
Lily was not in the game, but she would get to make a cameo alongside several other Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting characters in The King of Fighters '94. She can be seen standing next to Billy, who's wearing a suit, which is something he's wearing in the anime when he talks to her. In her KoF '94 cameo, she has brown hair rather than green. |
When Tung demonstrates the whirlwind fist to Terry, he summons a giant, more muscular spirit of himself, which hovers above him. In 1993's Fatal Fury Special, Tung was given this as a special move -he'll summon a spirit of himself which can damage the opponent if they touch it. |
When Terry uses the whirlwind fist against Geese, Geese blocks it by thrusting his arms out and generating an energy blast out of his hands. This seems to have influenced the last part of his dark spirit fist move, which was a new attack he had in 1995's Fatal Fury 3. |
Andy is voiced by Keiichi Nanba in the Japanese dub. He would later start voicing Andy in the games, from Fatal Fury 3 and onwards. |