All of the music in MP3 form. The music was composed by Motoi Sakuraba, who would go on to do the music for the other games in the series.

Boss theme #1
Boss theme #2
Boss theme #3
Cutscene #1
Cutscene #2
Final boss theme
Game Over
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level Complete
Unused track #1
Unused track #2


-The music for the ending and credits go on for far longer in the sound test than they do in the actual game. Perhaps the ending was originally intended to go on for longer? M.I.J.E.T. has suggested that originally, the ending music was supposed to play through the credits as well, as the ending music's length matches up perfectly to stop by the end of the credits, at least for the Japanese version of the game. The credits music was possibly added late on to give the game a more up-beat feeling at the end.

-The cutscene music also plays for much longer in the sound test than they do in the game, this is especially noticeable with the first track.

-The unused tracks can be heard in the sound test but are never heard within any of the levels. I'd like to think that the second unused track was supposed to be played whenever Annet gained a new magic attack, but I've got no ideas about where the first one would play.