Earnest and Annet find something in the floor. It appears to be a slab with some kind of inscription on it, Earnest moves the slab, which reveals a blue medal. Earnest thinks that this medal is old, but is radiates a tremendous aura, and it seems to contain something dreaadfully sinister within. He tells Annet that he's going to pick it up. Annet tells him to be careful...
...but he gets shocked when he touches it. Annet decides to try, despite Earnest's objections, as the medal shines brightly as she approaches it.
She grabs the medal, which causes a great rush of energy in the room, but she's able to pull it out. Earnest asks her if she's ok, but she doesn't seem to know what's happened -what is she doing with this medal?
"Annet seemed to have lost all memory of the moment she touched the Elder Sign. At this time, I can only surmise that Annet's powers as a priestess somehow called forth its mysterious power. When I tried to touch the Elder Sign, it electrocuted me. Perhaps it can only be touched by those who are chosen..."
Earnest takes another look at the slab he moved earlier. He can just about figure out that one of the characters on it means "wind", and that there seems to be some kind of spell on here. He then thinks their enemies are after the Elder Sign. He wonders what to do next, as they need to resuce Zigfried. At the same time, he also wants to decipher what's on the slab. He tells Annet that he needs her to do something for him, which she's happy to do.
"I handed the Elder Sign off to Annet, and safely rescued Zig from Capone's men. But it cost me a plunge into the dark, cold ocean... Damnit! Capone's men were ready and waiting for me, stacked to the nines with machineguns. Now, I don't mind dying like some heroic prince in a fairy tale, who risks it all to save the sleeping princess...but there's nothing romantic about eating a bullet.
Having safely gotten away, Zig told me about one of Capone's hideouts, where he won't be expecting us. I'm looking forward to teaching Capone the meaning of regret -what happens when you mess with the world's #1 adventurer."
"Of the many bases Capone has setup throughout the world, there are some whose existence is top-secret. In one such base in South America, there exists incriminating documentation that Capone has sought to hide. It's the proof we'll need if we're going to get the authorities after Capone. A hot wind envelopes me as I step onto the soil of Mexico once again."
This level takes place in a jungle. Head right and look out for the killer plants -these things move around and will shoot projectiles at you. As you make your way right, there's a large tree branch in the way, once you get close to this it'll fall down over you, so quickly head left and crouch to avoid taking any damage. With the tree out of the way, head right to deal with more killer plants, and also collect the mallet that's lying on the ground.
Head down the hill and you'll come to a pool of water, which you can't avoid going into. There's some piranha in this pool, and you'll end up getting a couple biting onto you. Quickly make your way right, out of the pool, then use the whip or mallet to get the piranaha off. Just after exiting the pool there's an apple in one of the trees, if you need some life.
Head right and you'll see a couple more pools, each of which have more piranha in them. You can jump over these, but before you can cross the second pool, a mid-boss will appear. This giant worm may look threatening but it really isn't, use the mallet on its head and don't be afraid to use its body as a platform. After the mid-boss has been dealt with, head over the other pool and back onto dry land. There are more killer plants and some mosquitos to kill here.
Head up the hill and then drop down to find the boss, which is a plant monster. The boss only has one attack, which is too release a barrage of projectiles, but it'll do far more damage to you if you touch it. It tends to move around a lot as you fight it, but of you stay on the hill, or go into the wall at the right side of the boss, you can stay there and attack without the boss being able to collide with you.
An early prevew in Beep! Mega Drive had this listed as originally being the game's second level, but for the final version, it became the ninth level.
This is yet another level where the boss theme music doesn't play during the boss fight.