Al Capone is having a meeting with Ullrich, the leader of the Hastur Cult. Ullrich is pleased with him, as he's found the Necronomicon. Capone says it's like he said before -don't underestimate the Capone family. Ullrich says he never had any doubts. Capone says that that's just as well, but now Europe will fall into their hands. They've got much to think about. Ullrich says that once they use the power of the Necronomicon to manipulate Hakenkreuze, it will be simple. Capone thinks about Europe, the land of misty forests...and what demons lurk within, ready to grant them the power they seek...

Meanwhile, Earnest and Annet are in jail. But Zigfried appears before them, and explains that Ullrich is trying to revive an evil God into this world. Earnest doesn't like these ridiculous stories, but Zigfried has said that he'll help them escape, if they'll help him stop Ullrich's plan. Annet asks what Lord Capone is up to. Zigfried tells her that whilst he feels an obligation to him, he never agreed to help him destroy mankind! Earnest thinks Zigfried is an interesting guy, but for now, if they can get out of here, they can all meet up at his place. He gives Zigfried the details on the location.

Head right and you'll see Annet waiting in a car. Jump on it and Annet will start accelerating, if you get off the car she'll stop. Stay on and watch as bombs rain down over the street, it's hard to avoid taking damage from all of these but they don't do that much. There are a few guys with knives here as well, but just ignore them. If you desperately need more life, you can head back as there's some meat on the ground that you'll drive past, but it can be difficult to get this without taking even more damage due to the enemies waiting around.

Unfortunately Annet will crash the car into a wall. Jump over the wall and head right. There are several enemies here, who will either try and slice you up with their knives, or kick you. They're also quite acrobatic, able to jump high distances, plus they also have a lot of health so it's better to just avoid them rather than fight. You'll have to use a floating platform at one point, jump across and then keep heading right.

Eventually you'll run past a roof of a building, and then the boss will appear. It's a small flying machine which is armed with several cannons, so drop down and let it come to you. The larger, yellow fireballs do more damage than the smaller, red ones, but what will do more damage to you is if you jump into the machine. So just stay under it, don't jump and keep attacking to make the boss retreat.


When Ullrich talks to Al Capone in the first cutscene, there is some other guy stood next to Ullrich who says and does nothing. Who is he? Nobody important, it would seem.

Oddly, Earnest and Annet are in jail for unknown reasons in the cutscene, even though they had just managed to escape in Earnest's plane in the previous level.

Annet refers to Capone as "Lord Capone" in the cutscene. She's far too nice.

Annet still drives the car in the cartridge version of the game. Even though she is meant to be in her 70s in this version, there is no difference in the sprite at all, it looks exactly the same as the sprite in the CD version. They could have at least changed her hair color to gray.

There's a secret in this level that seemingly went undiscovered until I found it, 26 years after the game had originally been released. See the cheats page for more info.