Earnest heads across a rope bridge, making his way towards the temple of the wind God. Down below, a mysterious man wearing a white suit appears and observes him.
As Earnest makes his way across, he thinks that the heat from the sun is intense, but it's nothing compared to what lies ahead. He crosses the bridge and sees the entrance to the temple in the distance. Suddenly he feels an eerie darkness looming over the temple, a darkness with the menace of a poisonous snake...
The moment this level starts, hold right. The reason for this is because after a second, several spiky pillars shoot up from under the ground, and will send you flying upwards. You won't take any damage the first time, but if you land on them, you will and they can take a lot of life. If you held right early enough you should land on the ground, keep going right and jump over the small lava pool. These pools will shoot out fireballs around the area. Keep heading right to find a red scorpion. These creatures will rapidly fire at you with their stingers, however their projectiles don't do too much damage. Touching them is much more dangerous for your life.
Keep going right and you'll have to go across a short bridge which is over a larger lava pool, which spits out even more fireballs. You'll have to crouch to progress at one point, watch our for the spike which keeps dropping down from part of the ceiling. Throughout this area are these strange enemies which I can't figure out what they're supposed to be, but the float around and will only damage you if they touch you. Make sure to collect the pile of rocks -you'll get 15 of these, and they're the most powerful weapon in the game. Make your way down and right.
There's another ceiling spike to get past, after that you'll be in a more open area. This area has a couple of the strange spike beds which will pop out of either the floor or ceiling as you get close to them, you'll most likely get hit by the first one even if you jump it, but it doesn't do much damage. Once you're past these drop down and head left.
There's another scorpion to deal with here, you can take it out with one rock if your aim is good enough. Keep going left and jump over another small lava pool, you can then either go up or down. Go up if you want some more rocks as there's another pile of them, otherwise drop down and head right. There's a spinning bed of spikes here, carefully time your jump to land on the non-spiky side to get past it safely.
Feeling adventurous? Beneath the spinning bed of spikes is a small cave with a crystal in it, collect this for a 10,000 points bonus. Head right and take out the scorpions as you go, there's another cave which has two scorpions and a potion in it, the latter of which is great if you're low on life. Keep heading right and you'll enter the boss room, although there's one more scorpion to kill first.
The boss is a thing in the wall which has two arms, the arms will release fireballs. However, the thing in the wall can hurt you the most, the swinging arms do no damage. Aim for the wall as it's the only part of the boss you can do any damage to. If you have any rocks left, now is the time to use them since they do a lot more damage than the whip.
In the cutscene, when Earnest is first seen he's missing the plaster on his face, this magically comes back in every other shot.
Also in the cutscene, when Zigfried watches Earnest cross the bridge, there are large, dark storm clouds in the sky, but in the next shot, the clouds are gone are the sun is there instead.
Like in the previous level, the boss theme music doesn't play during the boss fight in this level.