"Necronomicon....an ancient tome of unspeakable evil written in the 8th century. Exactly the kind of legendary, forbidden text that excites an adventurer like me. I normally don't take on jobs or requests, but the burning curiosity to see it with my own eyes has taken possession of me, and brought me here, deep into the heart of Peru. But that isn't the only reason. The client was none other than President Coolidge, leader of the conservative party. What could he be after in this ancient text...? Trying to keep my emotions under control, I cut the speed on my biplane as I cautiously flew into the jungle..."
Head right and you'll come across an odd sight: spiky vines that rapidly grow out of the ground, and then spin around in circles. These can drain your life rapidly, so destroy them quickly. Don't touch them whilst they're exploding as they can still hurt you. Another obstacle are the Moai statues, which shoot arrows at you. These do little damage, but the statues can't be destroyed so just quickly get past any you see. Head right and go across a bridge, which will collapse as you walk over it. If you need some life, you can drop down to find a couple of apples, but watch out for the spike pit.
Go past the Moai statue and you'll have another route choice to make. The ideal thing to do is to whip the spike above, and you can use this to catapult across the water and save a lot of time. Otherwise, head downwards and go into the water, where there are lots of killer fish on the loose, along with some more vines. You can swim upwards by repeatedly pressing the jump button.
Head right and you'll have to swim up, taking out the numerous fish. Eventually you can get out of the water, and will have to get onto a small platform which floats up and down. This will take you to some more small platforms, but watch out for the walls -there are a couple of giant worms which burst out of them. You can't kill these so you'll just have to avoid them.
Once you get to the top, head right and down the hill, and drop down. Look out for the worm and Moai statue, then drop down again. Before going further down, there's a secret room on the left wall. Head into this and you'll find a hat, collect this to wear it, and you'll also get a flaming whip upgrade which can only be used in this level.
Exit the secret room and drop down onto the bridge, this will collapse and you have a choice of going left or right. If you need some more life, crawl to the left and go under the spikes, eventually you'll reach a small cave which has three apples in it. Go right and you'll then have a choice of going up or down. You'll want to go up here by jumping onto the rope, as going down is pointless (see the notes below).
As you go up, you'll have to jump from rope to rope to progress. Once you've climbed the last rope, jump left and crouch to fit through a gap (this is one of the few good places to use the roll) and drop down, keep going left and you'll arrive at a wall. Climb up this and you'll find three more Moai statues, with some careful timing you can get past these without taking any damage. Once you're above the last statue, jump off and head to the right.
You'll find the boss sat in place waiting for you, which is some kind of bizarre insect hybrid which isn't happy to see you and is projected by a swarm of bees. It has two forms, for the first form you can jump on its body and then whip away, the "head" will shoot arrows at you. Aim for this or for the body. After you've done this enough times, the body will blow up, whilst the head breaks off and floats around. It still shoots arrows at you, but just stay out of the way of the head as it does far more damage if it collides with you. Keep whipping it and eventually it'll also explode.
The vines will self-destruct after spinning around a few times.
The boss theme music doesn't play during the boss fight in this level.
The boss has another attack during its first form where it shoots fireballs from the front of its body. But there's a problem: due to where the boss sprite is placed, the fireballs shoot straight into the slope, making it almost impossible for them to hit you.
As noted above, there is a part where you have to go up or down. If you do down, you'll get to a wall. You can actually go through this wall by crouching and then moving right...
...where you'll arrive at some waterfalls. This area appears to be pointless, it doesn't have any items or other secrets in it, so all you can do in it is go back the way you came.