Newspapers across the world have the same story -Al Capone has been arrested! He's now being dealt with by the American authorities. Earnest and Annet have met up with Zigfried. Earnest asks her about how she went on with the slab they'd found earlier. Annet reveals that she's translated the text on the stab, and it states about the evil God, Hastur. Better yet, it describes a spell to seal Hastur away! Zigfried thinks this is perfect, and Earnest asks if Annet was able to do anything with the spell. She tells him that she's learnt it.
Later on, Zigfried has convinced Earnest and Annet that a raft is the best way to get to the temple. However it turns out that this is a very bumpy ride, Annet says Zigfried didn't mention it was going to be like this! Zigfried says he didn't know, he just thought it was some quiet stream...but an adventure does mean facing the unexpected! Earnest tells him to shut up, he thinks he's trying to get them all killed! The raft thankfully stays in one piece as it hurtles across the waters.
When this level starts, you'll land on some boulders. These will fall apart and you'll fall down, as you descend, make sure to keep to the left or right walls. Don't stay in the middle, as if you do, you'll end up collecting a sleeping potion that you really need to avoid.
Eventually you'll land on a platform. After a couple of seconds, the things blocking your way will come to life, revealing themselves to be some kind of serpents which will go after you. Quickly make your way downwards and keep going right. There are several floating boulders here which you need to try and get past as fast as possible, so the serpents don't catch up to you. You'll be near the end when you run down a slope, head into the water to finish the level.
It isn't explained what led to Capone's arrest, nor is it ever shown what Earnest found in Capone's hideout he got to at the end of the previous level, but it must have been something good.
The newspapers have a couple of references to music bands. The first paper features The Adicts, a British punk rock band. You can't see the full picture on the paper, but it appears to be based on the band's Songs of Praise album:
The other newspaper makes a reference to Iron Maiden. Live After Death was the band's first live album, whilst The World Slavery Tour was a concert world tour which took place between 1984 and 1985 (the band played in Japan in April 1985, so perhaps a few of Wolf Team's staff got to see them).
It doesn't seem possible to kill the serpents in this level, even though you can hit them with the whip and they'll take damage. Oddly the rocks can he hit as well, and change colors whenever they get hit, but it doesn't seem possible to destroy those, either.