Annet has defeated the monster and opens a door, only to find herself at the end of the train. She's not sure what to do but then hears a voice call out to her: it's Earnest! He and Kirke have followed the train via car, and Earnest tells Annet that she's got to jump.
Annet jumps and Earnest catches her, and then Kirke drives away from the train before coming to a stop. Earnest checks that Annet is alright and she is, but then they look back at the train. Zigfried is stood there, holding Annet's pendant. Earnest recognizes him and just says his name.
Kirke contacts his subordinates via radio and tell them he's fine, whilst asking for an update on things there. Meanwhile Earnest shows Annet an idol, which he reveals is part of everything that's happened today. He explains that this idol is one of the country's national treasures. But the question is, why are the Nexuses after it? Annet asks about the Nexuses, Earnest says that Virgilis wants the idol at all costs, if he gets it, he would no longer have a reason to keep the Princess alive. The Nexuses are the ones behind it all. Kirke then calls over and tells them Virgilis has handed the Princess to some Nexuses soldiers, but if they bring the idol with them, she should be safe. He then gets the car started.
Annet comments that Kirke must really love the Princess. Earnest thinks Kirke may not be the greatest retainer, but as a man, he gets high marks from him. Annet starts to ask about their relationship, but Earnest changes the subject. He tells her that she knows what they have to do. They can't just let Zigfried steal her pendant, and if they end up saving the Princess along the way, who's complaining?
Meanwhile, Zigfried reports to Richtenreich, who is not only the leader of the Nexuses army, but has also taken over the European country of Dagrustein. Richtenreich finds out that Earnest has stolen the Two-Face Goddess Idol. Zigfried says that he probed the Princess' consciousness directly, and it appears she had an ally inside the castle. Richtenreich thinks it's of no concern, but then asks Zigfried that isn't it strange for them to be talking this way? Or is he enjoying this charade? Zigfried seems surprised at these statements, as Richtenreich says he's tired of talking in this body. He says that it has been too long since he returned to his true form, and begins to transform...
This level features some new enemies. The first of which will appear straight away: a blue guy who can run and has a slide kick. These are irritating as whilst their slide kicks don't do much damage, they can be a pain in a group. The other new enemy is a guy who rides around in a mech suit, which can fire several small projectiles. Take out the blue soldier first as he'll get in the way, then concentrate on the mech suit. Proceed on to find another new enemy. He's armed with an assault rifle, and has two attacks. He'll either fire a single shot in an arc motion, or fire a burst of three bullets in front of him. Wait for him to fire and move out of the way, then head in to grab him before he can fire again. Keep going and you'll find a group of blue soldiers, I'd save a magic attack to deal with them as they can keep knocking you down without you being able to do much about it and chip off a load of you health.
Thankfully that is the only large group of enemies in the level. Move on and you'll have to fight one more of each enemy: a blue soldier, a mech unit and a assault rifle soldier. Beat these guys and the boss will appear, which is another one of those monsters that Annet defeated on the train.
The boss has the same attacks as the previous one did, which is a claw swipe and headbutt. Don't use jumping attacks, as the boss will usually counter them easily. Instead, just use the same tactics as before -wait for the boss to use its claw attack, then quickly move in with a dash kick. If this hits the boss will be knocked down, so move away and let the boss get back up. This fight is slightly trickier than the one before however, as the space you have to fight in is more narrow.
Richtenreich doesn't appear in the game after the cutscene. There's a possibility that Zigfried killed him off-screen, as later on in the game it's revealed Richtenreich isn't the only one who can transform.
This level has no health items to collect at all in it -the only other levels that do this are boss only levels.
In a really lazy move by Wolf Team, the boss of this level is exactly the same as the boss from the previous level -it doesn't even have any new attacks! The only difference is there isn't as much room to fight it as there was at the end of level 4.