Motocross Championship prototypes

There are currently fifteen prototypes available for this game. In addition to the ones below, there are also prototypes for the 20th of October and the 3rd of November, which I haven't found anything interesting in yet.

October 12th, 1994
October 17th, 1994
October 18th, 1994
October 19th, 1994
October 24th, 1994
October 28th, 1994
November 1st, 1994
November 2nd, 1994
November 4th, 1994
November 7th, 1994
November 8th, 1994
November 11th, 1994

October 12th, 1994

-The title screen's bike is slightly different to what the final version has, and there is no "press start button" text.

-Practice mode is called arcade mode.

-Selecting the credits at the main menu will take you to a screen featuring the back of a bike, with the words course selection at the top.

-The track selection screen has some maps in place, but some tracks don't have them yet and just repeat their name instead.

-The picture for the super bike isn't in place yet.

-The passwords don't work yet.

-The super bike has placeholder text over it when trying to select it.

-Races start instantly, without a countdown first.

-During a race, drivers aren't able to hit each other.

-There are four difficulty levels: beginner, novice, amateur and pro.

-Hazards and barriers at the side of the track are different, and there often aren't that many when compared to the final game.

-The arcade mode only consists of one lap.

-When the game is paused, a menu appears that lets you continue or exit. If you exit early on in the race, the game will think you came in first.

October 17th, 1994

-The title screen has been updated. "Press Start" text appears, copyright text was added and the picture of the bike is different.

-Selecting the credits will take you to a screen with placeholder text.

-The circuit selection has been updated, and now features maps for each circuit.

-The superbike placeholder text from the previous build is gone.

-There is now a countdown before the race starts.

-Exiting a race early no longer gets you first place, instead the game will go back to the main menu.

October 18th, 1994

-A SEGA logo appears when the game boots up.

-The press start text at the title screen has been moved to the left.

-Arcade mode has become practice mode.

-The difficulties have been changed, so now there are three: amateur, pro and expert.

-The credits have been slightly updated, but still aren't complete.

-The countdown has a new font, which is more bigger, has colors, and uses numbers instead of letters.

October 19th, 1994

-The circuit select menu has been updated, with newly drawn circuit maps, and some of the menu colors have been changed.

October 24th, 1994

-During the countdown, a quiet voice will say "Ready" and "Go!" during the last second.

October 28th, 1994

-During the countdown, a voice will call out each number and then say "go!".

-Riders now say "hey!" when colliding with each other.

-You can now punch other riders by pressing the C button.

Novemeber 1st, 1994

-The credits now work.

November 2nd, 1994

-The voices for the countdown and the "hey!" have been re-done, and now match the final version.

November 4th, 1994

-The title screen has been updated, and almost matches the final version.

November 7th, 1994

-The title screen's copyright font has been changed.

November 8th, 1994

-Pausing the game no longer brings up a menu, instead the word "PAUSE" appears on the screen.

November 11th, 1994

-The game's logo now has a trademark on it at the title screen.