Yuria wakes up and finds herself in a cave. Rihaku introduces himself and says that he is a messenger of the last Nanto General. The last Nanto General instructed him to bring Yuria to him, as he wants to meet her. Yuria can hear a lot of shouting some distance away but Rihaku tells her not to worry, they are safe here. The noise is from Raoh's army fighting Shin's. He tells her that they will need to move now so she can be taken to the Nanto capital.
Meanwhile, the battle between the two armies goes on well into the morning. Ken-Oh's forces are larger however and eventually Shin's army is defeated. Ken-Oh leads his men to the outskirts of Southern Cross.
Souga tells Ken-Oh that what is left of Shin's army has surrendered. He asks what they are going to do about Shin himself. Raoh has discovered that Yuria is dead, so he decides to leave Shin and let Kenshiro deal with him. Souga mentions that Kenshiro's reputation as a "savior" has been growing recently and that if he defeats Shin, it'll only grow larger. Raoh doesn't mind that happening however because then when he crushes Kenshiro in battle, people's false hopes will be reduced to ashes. It will also mark the day of his total supremacy.
Some distance away, Rihaku explains to Yuria that Raoh rules his forces and territories with fear. The fear he uses has even resulted in some of the 108 different Nanto Seiken schools joining him. Despite this there are some people who resist him, including a warrior known as Mei-Oh, who is said to have gathered together a large army. The two start the journey to the Nanto capital, but they have to go through some of the places Ken-Oh has been to. Some lands have been so badly damaged that nobody lives there any more, and only the bodies of the dead remain. After a few days of traveling, they finally arrive.
Yuria is taken to the chamber of the last Nanto General. He tells her that he has waited a long time to see her, and asks what she saw on her way here. She tells him that she saw nothing other than Raoh's terror. Things like love and happiness were things she never felt when she saw the places Raoh had been to. The only thing that appeared to her was a face...the face of Kenshiro. The General says that was all she needed to see, and then starts to explain that Roah's dark rule will soon cover the entire land.
He explains that once Raoh defeats the successor to Nanto Ho'oh Ken, Souther, that time will come. It will then be the time for Kenshiro to come in and fight Raoh. Yuria asks why the General is telling her all of this when Tobi runs up to him. He recognises the dog and says it has been a long time. He removes his helmet, revealing that he is Dama.
Dama says that Yuria is now the last Nanto General. When Nanto is in disarray, Hokuto appears. It is her duty to ally with Hokuto. Dama says that the promise he made all of those years a go has now been kept. However Dama is sick and those are his last words to Yuria, as he suddenly coughs up a lot of blood and then dies in her arms. Yuria tells him that from now on, she will wear his armor as the last Nanto General.
(Another year passes)
Three punks are running after a cloaked woman. However they are all being observed by Yuria and the Nanto Goshasei, who are watching from a cliff where they can't be seen. As the punks surround the woman, they get excited and what to see her face, even offering her food if she is a good girl with them. However the cloaked woman reveals that she is actually a man...
...who goes by the name of Rei. Rei says he disguises himself as a woman to draw out losers like them, as they serve a purpose. He needs to eat, and they often have some food on them. The punks aren't happy they've been tricked but Rei just asks them if they know a man with seven scars on his chest. They don't answer and instead charge at him. Rei takes to the sky.
Rei's fighting style is extremely graceful and as he dives back down towards the ground, he makes several swift movements with his hands.
As he lands back in the middle of the group, the punks don't understand what just happened. Seconds later, the punks are each killed when they are split into pieces. Rihaku says that Rei is a master of the Nanto Suicho Ken style (South Star Waterfowl Fist). Yuria tells that Nanto Goshasei to capture Rei, but don't kill him.
Later on, Rei is walking though a small, deserted village when Shuren asks him to remove his cloak. Rei asks him if he has any food, but he says that he hasn't. Instead he offers to show Rei a magic trick and sends forward a fireball. Rei leaps up to avoid it and loses his cloak. He lands on the roof of a house.
Before Rei can make a move, Fudo grabs his legs and pulls him down. He is about to strike at Fudo when Hyuui puts one of his hands to Rei's neck and tells him not to move, as he can kill him with his fist of wind. Rei demands to know who they are, so Hyuui just says that they are the Nanto Goshasei and the last Nanto General sent them to capture him. Rei is taken to the Nanto capital.
Rei sees the General and asks what she wants with him. She asks why he is searching for a man with seven scars, and he says that this man kidnapped his sister the day before she was going to get married, and murdered her boyfriend. Rei is searching for this man so he can kill him, he only knows that he has seven scars on his chest.
Yuria says that Rei's eyes are full of sadness. He doesn't like that comment, but she puts her hand to his face and it glows with blue energy. She tells him that she has seen the star that guides him and that it is the star of righteousness. She then says that he can go and find the man he is searching for, the man who bears the Hokuto stars on his chest. There is no need to fear this man and when he does meet him, his sadness will end.
Yuria tells Rei the name of his man -Kenshiro -and then tells him to leave. Rei leaves the Nanto capital as Rihaku asks Yuria if it was wise to tell Rei Kenshiro's name, as he might fight and even kill him. Yuria says that he won't, he will instead become his friend. She has foreseen this.
Later on Yuria, Rihaku and Tou discuss Raoh's strength. Tou thinks that Raoh has no equal in terms of power, but Rihaku reminds them about the Holy Emperor, Souther. He explains to Yuria that Souther was a rival of Raoh's and that he is also attempting to conquer the world. Raoh hasn't tried to stop him yet because he knows that his Hokuto Shinken style doesn't work on Souther. Souther has a secret that Raoh doesn't know. which makes his supposedly invincible fighting style useless against him.
As long as nobody tries to stop Souther, he will continue to grow in power. Yuria says they will assemble their own forces when she suddenly falls from her horse! Rihaku and Tou help her, but she tells them that she wants to see Toki.