Q] Why was Poison allowed to be in the American version of this game?
A] If you don't know, Poison was famously replaced with Billy in the non-Japanese version of SNES Final Fight. But Poison is still present in all regional variants of Mighty Final Fight. Fan speculate why this happened, the main reasoning is that because Mighty Final Fight's violence is more comical and less serious that the other games in the series, Poison didn't need to be removed.
Q] Are there any differences between the original NES version and the Game Boy Advance version found on Capcom Classics Collection Mini Mix?
A] Not really. The GBA version adds a menu (activated by pressing the L and R buttons together) which lets you either continue the game, reset it, or go back to the main menu to choose one of the other games. The main difference with the two versions is in the price -the Game Boy Advance version sells for a fraction of the NES version on eBay.